Separating Fact From Fiction: The Surprising Truth About Vitamin C

Can vitamin C really prevent a cold?


A few weeks ago I was unknowingly coming down with the flu. But I knew something was off so I dragged myself to the nearest grocery store to pick up some preventative care. In a cart packed with cough drops, broth, and cold pressed juice, my eye caught a bright orange package on the top shelf. It read “Airborne Immune Support Supplement”.

Normally I would have mindlessly tossed this into my cart of potential elixirs.

Instead, I hesitated. This thought had never really crossed my mind:

“Vitamin C is…what exactly?”

Is it the immune-boosting super supplement our parents told us to take once they caught wind of a cold or nothing more than a cleverly marketed placebo?

Once upon a time, vitamin C was an essential nutrient found in various foods or sold as a dietary supplement. It paired nicely with a hot cup of lemon tea on days we were feeling a little under the weather.

Today vitamin C has found itself in an array of different products targeted at health-conscious consumers. From serums and lipsticks to gummies and dissolvable tablets, we are praising vitamin C for its “age-defying abilities” and “skin



Jonah Malin

Words that perform like Joaquin, sing like Celine, get remembered like Dean, & ooze tigers blood like Sheen.