Arweave Forms Collaboration with ColdStack

Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2021

Dear community members, we at ColdStack are proud to unveil one of our first collaborations with a major decentralized storage network (DSN), Arweave. Arweave is a leader within the decentralized storage sector, and arguably one of the most important projects in the overall decentralized ecosystem. We are incredibly excited to form this collaboration with the Arweave team, and hope to bring greater adoption to all of the advantages that Arweave’s Permaweb has to offer users.

“We really couldn’t be happier to announce this collaborative effort between ColdStack and Arweave. I’ve become very familiar with Arweave during my time dealing with decentralized storage networks, even prior to working on the ColdStack project. They really hold a prestigious place in terms of how blockchain can be used for social good” said Alexander Shishow, CEO of ColdStack. “Actually, our NFT artist storage endowment/grant program was directly inspired by Arweave’s grant program, in which they assist developers, projects, and institutions that seek to utilize the Arweave network and further the mission of creating a truly decentralized, community-run web. It’s difficult to name a project more dedicated to helping society at large”.

What This Collaboration Means

Oftentimes, “partnerships” and other collaborations within cryptocurrency tend to be skin-deep marketing noise. It has become commonplace for projects to announce that they have become partners, and then provide nothing tangible for the user-base of either project after promotional efforts subside. While this may be the norm for projects that are simply looking to increase investment in their ecosystem, Arweave and ColdStack are two projects which put their dedication to improving the decentralized ecosystem before profit. On this note, we aim for this collaboration to be a continued effort which provides benefits for anyone seeking to utilize decentralized storage.

As was pointed out in the article highlighting ColdStack’s integration of the Arweave network into our AI aggregation engine, this is one of the first times that a user can access the Arweave network through an S3 interface. This improves accessibility to the Arweave network, especially from a business or enterprise perspective. Simply put, some organizations or companies may be unwilling to migrate their existing SDK due to time and effort constraints, limiting themselves to the confines of centralized storage. Now that ColdStack has integrated Arweave, this migration from centralized storage to decentralized storages such as Arweave is much easier.

However, we acknowledge that given the novel nature of this development, there are bound to be hiccups at some point. While we have rigorously tested our integration of Arweave and the implementation of access through an S3 protocol prior to our announcement with no issues, it would not surprise us if technical difficulties are eventually experienced. Such issues are not uncommon when seeking to scale and integrate on the level at which ColdStack wishes to. By forming this collaboration, ColdStack is staying one step ahead of any potential issues, and is able to access the expertise of the experienced Arweave team. While the integration of any DSN is important, it is much more meaningful to establish a quality rapport with a DSN, in order to better elevate the entire DSN ecosystem. It makes communications much easier, and provides great assurance regarding the sustainability of a DSN’s integration.

As was mentioned, ColdStack’s NFT artist grant program was directly inspired by Arweave’s extensive grant program. We also see this collaboration as an opportunity to better explore ways in which ColdStack can promote benevolent efforts within blockchain and beyond. While the ColdStack platform is still growing and developing, we are eager to expand our altruistic efforts as much as possible. Regarding philanthropic pursuits, the Arweave team can provide future guidance which is currently unmatched within blockchain.

About Arweave

Arweave is a decentralized cloud storage that seeks to make information permanence sustainable through the Permaweb. Arweave’s platform serves to ensure that information that is stored with their service is always accessible, regardless of surrounding circumstances thanks to the Blockweave network. The network’s infrastructure allows it to fight censorship imposed by both hostile governments and centralized companies. Arweave also allows for information to be more reliably assessed in areas where data connectivity may be limited, either due to socioeconomic conditions or conditions created by natural disasters.

About ColdStack

ColdStack is a unified protocol which allows for the aggregation of Decentralized Storage Networks (DSNs) such as Filecoin, Sia, and Storj. Coldstack enables the easy use of these platforms without significant integration efforts, regardless of an individual’s familiarity with DSNs. ColdStack offers a single-entry point to any DSN, optimizing the final costs for consumers with our AI-based pipeline. Much like how Uber supplies its clients with convenient and cost-effective rides from a pool of drivers, ColdStack supplies its users with the most convenient way to access storage space from any decentralized cloud.

Uniting the DSN Ecosystem

We see these collaborations as one of the ways in which ColdStack can unite the entire decentralized storage ecosystem, so that it can properly compete with centralized companies such as Amazon and Google. We aim for these collaborative efforts with Arweave and other DSNs to go beyond the typically less-than-meaningful partnerships which have become increasingly normalized throughout blockchain. Arweave’s integration allows ColdStack to more efficiently store data, especially files which need to be stored permanently, and we hope that ColdStack can bring greater accessibility to the Arweave network. We’re huge fans of the Arweave project at ColdStack, and we really look forward to working with them in the future.

Please stay tuned for more announcements, as ColdStack continues to develop our platform and unite the DSN ecosystem. We will be releasing our biweekly report soon, which will both highlight our recent accomplishments and offer previews regarding future improvements.

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