ColdStack April+May Report

Alexander Shishow
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2022

Dear community members, we’re pleased to represent our report for April and May. These two months were productive and now we’re ready to show you the results of our hard work.

We listened to community members’ feedback and made some alterations, which helps us to involve a greater part of the community and allow us to give you a greater yield. That’s all because we really appreciate all of the members’ points of view and keep doing our best to make changes in order to enhance.

Full Product Launch

We promised and we did! Our Full Product Launch was released on April 18th.

With the help of our instant S3 integration, we bring flexibility, sustainability and affordable prices of Web3 clouds to those people who used to use centralized storage services. Lots of bug fixes and improvements were made and the whole system performance was enhanced!

For instance, we added such an important feature as S3 Versioning. It allows users to keep multiple variants of an object in the same bucket. Users can use the S3 Versioning feature to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your buckets. With versioning users can recover more easily from both unintended user actions and application failures. After versioning is enabled for a bucket, if a storage service receives multiple write requests for the same object simultaneously, it stores all of those objects.

Another major feature we recently implemented is S3 Access control list (ACL). It enables users to manage access to buckets and objects. Each bucket and object has an ACL attached to it as a sub-resource. It defines which accounts or groups are granted access and the type of access. When a request is received against a resource, the system checks the corresponding ACL to verify that the requester has the necessary access permissions.

To find out more information about our Official Full Launch you should follow the link below and read the article about it:

Anniversary Lottery

To celebrate our Full Product Launch, we held a lottery with a $100,000 prize pool! It helped us to engage our community members and also to attract new people. There were more than 1000 participants! The lottery finished on April 25t. Check out the link below and you can meet the lucky-ones — all the winners:

Follow the link and read about the rules of the Lottery and find out more about the prize-giving:

Website Design Update

Big changes are made — our website has a brand new look!

Now we’re mostly focused on the product. The areas which didn’t relate to the product itself were removed and testimonials and use cases were added. We spent a lot of time and efforts to create the calculator which clearly explains to the prospective users how affordable prices we offer, especially compared with our competitors.

ColdStack’s Staking System

Long awaited ColdStack Staking became live on May 6th. We’re happy to notice that almost 500 token holders have already joined our staking program. At the moment we have the following staking terms:

  • APY 8% (30 days)
  • APY 10% (60 days)
  • APY 12% (90 days)

Earlier we have announced the “Store-To-Earn” incentive program, which gives you a special opportunity to increase your APY up to 450% for our storage ecosystem’s participants. We’re up to publish a series of articles that will explain the details.

You can follow the link below and find out more details about the staking mechanism, how to start and how to increase the yield:

Please stay tuned

As you can see, in April and May we did a great job and achieved many goals. But it’s just the beginning of our growth and enhancement on the way to becoming The Best for all our existing and future ColdStack Community’s Members! Thanks for the feedback and for never letting go!

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