ColdStack Full Product Release Announcement

Alexander Shishow
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2022

Dear community members, we are happy to unveil the date of our product’s full release. On April 18th, the ColdStack platform will be deployed for anyone to use easily and reliably. This is undoubtedly a major milestone for ColdStack, and allows us to progress to the next chapter of our roadmap. While the said roadmap has certainly included some unexpected obstacles, we’re proud to report that our team has managed to overcome these difficulties time and time again to create a product we’re extremely proud of!

Release Details

Our full product release includes the final technical upgrades needed to get our project in full swing. These upgrades and fixes are the result of diligent stress testing during our alpha and beta phases, which we could only accomplish thanks to the many dedicated members of our community who took the time to try out our system.

Apart from these efficiency improvements made behind the scenes, our full platform includes the addition of our AI aggregator’s full scope. That is, we’ll be able to take into account a much wider array of factors in determining a file’s storage destination such as file size and file type, in addition to factors such as the frequency files are accessed. These variables play a major role in how ColdStack is able to provide customers with the most cost-efficient storage solutions possible, so it is essential that our AI’s ability to pick and choose what kind of data goes where is as finely tuned as possible.

Our product release will also include nearly complete S3 compatibility, with S3 versioning being the only area which is currently being fine tuned as a core functionality. Essentially, S3 Versioning is a kind of backup which allows you to keep multiple versions of an object in one bucket. S3 versioning also enables you to restore objects that are accidentally deleted or overwritten with the use of delete markers which can become the current object version. Users can then restore the previous version using these markers. If you overwrite an object, it results in a new object version in the bucket, which can always be restored.

The full product release will also include a number of UX/UI improvements to help create a more personalized experience, such as easily viewable upload and download metrics both for your personal account as well as the ColdStack platform itself! We’re committed to transparency, and want our community to be able to see how much our platform is being used, and think seeing these metrics grow will be the best way to show our dedication and progress.

Tech Issues vs. Political Issues

Our team is particularly proud of the fact that our project has continued to develop despite the setbacks recent geopolitical issues have caused, namely the current war in Ukraine. While ColdStack’s team consists of a diverse set of people ranging from Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and Australia, many of you are likely aware that a significant part of our core team live in both Russia and Ukraine. This had previously caused a delay in our roadmap, we are happy to say that the project isn’t experiencing any major setbacks because of the invasion and will release on April 18th. We have taken measures to relocate both operations and team members (when possible) out of these areas. We are happy to report that no time was wasted during this process, and that the majority of the core team from Russia and Ukraine who were able to leave are now out of the country.

While our team is international, each one of us sympathizes with those who are suffering because of this crisis greatly. We hope for a peaceful resolution to this, and that life can return to normal for those in Ukraine.

Closing Thoughts

As a budding industry, blockchain infrastructure is likely to undergo the same levels of turbulence which come along with many novel technologies. Often these difficulties are unforeseen and the result of factors beyond a project’s control, or even have little to do with the sector it impacts. In many ways, the digital age has made the world smaller, with localized issues having international ramifications more often than ever. We’re very thankful for our dedicated community that’s stood by us through these challenges, and we look forward to releasing a product that makes your patience worthwhile!

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