ColdStack Monthly Report: January 2022

Alexander Shishow
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Hello ColdStack Community,

2022 has started off with a lot of growth! As a product first blockchain protocol, one of the best things to focus on during a market correction is building. In January we got a lot of new ColdStack cloud storage users actively paying to use our network and as we approach our full launch we are excited by their experience.

MEXC Global Exchange Listing

On January 10th, $CLS token started off the new year with its first ever CEX listing. MEXC has allowed over 6 Million new users to invest in the $CLS cloud storage project. This is just one of the continued promises the team has set out and fulfilled. And of course, we are currently in talks with expanding to larger CEX’s in the coming months.

Project Gravity

One of the most time intensive responsibilities are community management team faces is answering similar questions previously answered on a different platform. From longform content explaining our tokenomics on Medium to collaborative marketing on twitter or telegram AMA’s, it’s all over the place. Now in partnership with CoinMarketCap we are experimenting with Project Gravity.

As ColdStack connects the largest decentralized cloud network on the planet our ability to connect with and inform new users is more and more fragmented. As a website for crypto native investors, CoinMarketCap has over 3 Billion organic monthly visits. Now, with Project Gravity new investors will have more reasons than ever to stick around and learn all about our project.

Beta Test Updates

More Data = More Problems. As ColdStack’s data under management continues to grow we have seen a host of unexpected challenges. With so many unique ways to access ColdStack cloud storage we have been rolling new beta updates every week. We have appreciated the outreach and engagement new users have had in helping bring their problems to our attention with patience and community support. We are looking forward to the full launch very soon.

Akash.Network Partnership

As ColdStack continues to scale as a decentralized first data storage protocol, we were very excited to announce our partnership with Akash.Network. Akash Network allows us to quickly develop docker containers to the cloud provider of our choice. We can now deploy decentralized applications, serverless apps and more through the Akash platform. Thanks to the Akash network we have been able to bring our product to market 10 times faster than our competitors.

Stay Tuned

Please be sure to follow us on our official channels to stay up to date on our platform’s developments. We’re looking forward to making February an exciting month for all.

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