ColdStack Partners With TITANDAO

Alexander Shishow
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2023

Dear community members!

We keep working hard searching for more and more possibilities for ColdStack to grow, making new collaborations and spreading decentralized technology all over the world. And today it’s time to introduce our new partner!

TITANDAO community is creating the Titanverse, an immersive reality centered around TITAN, which includes NFTs, DeFi, games, micropayments and merchandise. TITAN is the official Titanverse currency.

ColdStack allows users to take ownership of their data and makes it easy for anyone to access the Web3 cloud ecosystem. We aggregate different decentralized storages to provide our users with the best data storage solution, secure and affordable. Easy migration, low costs and data encryption make ColdStack a reliable product for any data storing needs.

Together, we strive to create an innovative decentralized ecosystem with a full set of tools for creating, maintaining and developing startups and existing Web3 projects, allowing us to strengthen our competitive position vis-à-vis centralized tech giants that are still prone to service outages and data leaks.

Co-marketing and co-working activities will let both projects extend the boundaries of our products’ development and motivate our communities and team members to cooperate, share knowledge, exchange useful alpha, find investors and partners to drive new innovative offers on the market.

ColdStack’s mission is to make Web3 Cloud storage simple and affordable for everyone, while TITANDAO’s mission is to create the first DAO community centered around a fully minted and decentralized token (TITAN), which has more than 150,000 holders. By promoting such decentralized innovative projects we will attract more and more users and leverage the power of blockchain technology.

Our team believes that making this partnership will help us to evolve and embrace Web3 technologies holding them on their way to mass adoption.


Iron Titanium token (TITAN) became the community token of TITANDAO in June 2021 after its original founders (Iron Finance) renounced TITAN’s ownership on Twitter following the bank run suffered by their protocol.

Iron Finance drew mainstream attention when it was revealed that American billionaire Mark Cuban had invested and lost $10 million when Iron Finance suffered a bank run. Cuban was one of the first liquidity providers of the protocol and was on the receiving end of public ridicule in June 2021 when TITAN tanked from $60 to virtually $0 in a matter of hours. Mark Cuban meme’s are a success in the TITAN is our DOGE community and his memes have been immortalized as NFTs in the TITAN Punkz NFT collection.

TITANDAO was created in June 2021 after Iron Finance suffered the first bank run in the history of crypto. TITAN, which was part of Iron Finance, collapsed to virtually zero and the community took over and rescued TITAN creating new use cases to restore its value.

TITAN is unique as its total supply has already been minted and it is capped at 35 trillion. The TITANDAO community is burning TITAN to make it deflationary. More than 150,000 wallets hold TITAN which is built on the Polygon blockchain.

About ColdStack

ColdStack is the world’s first-to-market Decentralized Storage Aggregator that combines Decentralized Data Storages such as Filecoin, Arweave, Crust, Storj, etc. It is the fastest, simplest, and easiest way to unleash the power of Decentralized Clouds for projects within the crypto space and beyond.

By optimizing storage solutions with our AI-based pipeline, ColdStack provides users with the most cost-efficient and secure way to store their files. Our approach is transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable.

$CLS token powers our platform, enabling decentralized storage transactions as well as governance. The $CLS token allows users to interact with our platform without worrying about censorship or interference and is available to anyone in the world on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.



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