ColdStack: Paving the Way for Mass Adoption

Alexander Shishow
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2024

As the digital landscape evolves, ColdStack is positioning itself to become a household name by addressing a mainstream market gap: securely backing up personal data (photos, videos, documents, etc.) from phones as a background process without excessive fees. This initiative marks the next major phase in ColdStack’s mission to expand DePin infrastructure.

By developing the ColdStack App with a focus on solving a retail pain point, ColdStack’s tech team is paving the way to the ultimate unicorn of Web 3.0 — mainstream adoption.

ColdStack for Everyday Use

ColdStack’s app is poised to integrate seamlessly with Android and iOS data libraries, enabling users to back up photos, videos, and other data, without needing to manually aggregate, even when switching between iOS and Android devices. Whether backing up photos automatically as a background process in real-time or later when connected to Wi-Fi, our users will have control over their data and peace of mind knowing their memories are securely stored on the blockchain across otherwise disparate DePin networks, providing optimal redundancy.

Enhancing convenience and ease of use is paramount to ColdStack’s strategy for onboarding a broader user base to Web 3.0. As such, we are avoiding buzzword gimmicks. Instead, the blockchain elements underlying our technology will be treated as any other functional element of technological infrastructure. Technical specifications will be expressed to provide guidance on system proficiencies and limitations, but not as ambiguous title points.

First Impressions Count

We will welcome new users to our app, and most importantly to Web 3.0, with increased convenience, improved security, optimal redundancy, overarching technical dominance, and 80%-90% greater affordability. ColdStack pursues utility, not hype.

Constant refinement will be our mantra as we embark on the most sought-after pursuit in crypto — bridging the normies. To best pursue an optimal, mainstream user experience in the app, ColdStack will leverage our greatest untapped resource yet — our community! We mentioned recently that we’ll be developing an app with our community’s needs and opinions in mind. To do so, we’ll be launching an ongoing publicly accessible decentralized focus group, drawing insights from anyone who is kind enough to spare a moment to tell us what they think, while showing the world what can be done with a Web 3.0 community.

Look out for Cold Suggestions & Stacked Polls on X to have your say!

We’ll delve more and more into unique key features we’re working toward over the coming weeks. Please try your best to stay up to date on these when making suggestions. Taking the time will allow for the most valuable discourse between us all, ensuring original ideas are not lost in a sea of comments pertaining to things already confirmed for implementation.

Great suggestions can be liked by all of you to show support and to ensure nothing fantastic or widely regarded is ever missed! We will then aggregate your suggestions based on technical feasibility and use polls to refine and solve any inconsistencies among group sentiments.

Public Buckets

A unique feature we’re investigating for the ColdStack app will be public buckets. With this feature, users can upload media files, such as important crypto memes and videos (any file type), to publicly accessible buckets, with accessibility limits applicable by bucket or by file.

Public Buckets can be indexed by the creator’s username or can be publicly managed (like a Facebook group) as a standalone. The ability to view and play low-resolution versions (previews) of larger media files makes for easy sharing and visibility, meaning larger files can be cheaply held in low-access storage while still being shared with the world.

In the future, these public buckets will evolve into monetizable media collections. The owners can both share content freely or monetize downloads, earning fiat, CLS, or compatible layer 1s (ETH, BNB, PROM, SOL). Downloads will cost compute and therefore money (fractions of cents to cents); however, the platform per download fees will be as minimal and inconsequential as possible to encourage adoption and utility.

Public Buckets — A Hedge Against Censorship

Public buckets may serve as a crucial hedge against a potential age of mass censorship. In an era where the threat of censorship and information control seems to loom globally, public buckets distributed across the DePin infrastructure are partly designed as a hedge against potential crackdowns on free speech and digital freedoms.

Decentralized distribution of hard copy downloads better ensures important information and media are accessible in high resolution and across an undefinable variability of physical locations. Simple and organized access offers users greater protection from the dangers of a digital information war, where centralized control over information could stifle free expression as well as access to truth and history.

Affordable, Flexible, and Inclusive Storage

ColdStack’s approach to storage is both cost-effective and user-friendly. The app will offer storage solutions that are significantly cheaper than traditional services like iCloud and Dropbox. Users can join the platform with an email or crypto wallet and pay for storage in CLS or fiat currency. This model ensures that ColdStack is accessible to the widest audience possible, from Web 3.0 enthusiasts to crypto skeptics, from users in developing regions to developed nations, to those under authoritarian rule (assuming they can access our website and a non-custodial wallet), thereby fostering greater global adoption and security.

Public buckets will also serve as a way for media creators and professionals to conveniently collaborate. Similar to Dropbox for teams in accessibility, but without the extensive sign-up processes needed to access the files, unless the user’s privacy settings forbid public access. Users can alternatively toggle, limit, and define bucket privacy, filtering access by selected wallets, emails, and account handles, aiding convenience in low-risk file sharing.

Building a Connected Community

ColdStack envisions more than just a storage solution — it aims to create a vibrant community. Future app updates will introduce features like user interactions through likes, public download and view counts, and potentially direct messaging, or an integration with an existing messaging app (like Telegram). This will transform the app into a dynamic platform that not only meets practical storage needs but also fosters interaction and engagement among Web 3.0 users.

The Road Ahead

This initiative underscores ColdStack’s commitment to solving a mainstream problem, driving toward mass adoption. By addressing the everyday common need for secure and affordable media backup and sharing, ColdStack is laying the groundwork for a revolution in personal data management and Web 3.0 acceptance.

ColdStack’s vision for retail adoption is clear and consistent: to break down barriers to entry in the decentralized storage space and offer a solution that is both practical and empowering. As the app progresses to tangibility, ColdStack is set to redefine how we think about data storage and accessibility, making the benefits of Web 3.0 accessible for everyday users.

Stay Tuned

ColdStack intends to remind everyone inside and outside of crypto that our solutions are not mere additions to the decentralized storage ecosystem; they are a pioneering force aimed at solving real-world problems — forming the bedrock to support mass Web 3.0 adoption. By focusing on the simple yet universal need for secure, convenient, and cost-effective personal data backups, ColdStack can satisfy and build product trust with the individual user base while subtly preparing us all for any needed censorship resistance, as well as laying the foundation to develop DePin robust enough to one day support the democratization of things, including AGI.

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