4 Tips for the CPA Exam

Cole Harris Knoxville
Cole Harris Knoxville
2 min readSep 9, 2020

The CPA exam is widely considered one of the most challenging professional certification exams in the United States. Passing the test will likely be the hardest thing you accomplish in your career, but it is well worth getting your dream job. The only way you will get the certification you desperately want is by using proper study techniques. These are the four best tips for studying for the CPA exam.

Focus on One Section

The CPA exam is separated into four different sections. You must pass all four of these four-hour tests within 18 months to earn certification. While you can take multiple sections of the test on the same day, it is best to focus on one. This limits your study material, which should make it a lot easier to retain the information. Get the process off on the right foot by starting with the section you find the easiest.

Set a Study Schedule

Studying whenever you get the chance is not going to work. You need to set a strict study schedule. This routine allows you to mentally prepare for each study session, which will naturally help you retain more information. It is generally recommended to study for about two hours every weekday and four hours on the weekend. Take one day off on the weekend to mentally unwind.

Eliminate All Distractions

It is impossible to effectively study for the CPA exam if you are constantly distracted. Find a dedicated study space in the house that you use every day. Make sure this area does not have a television that can potentially distract you. It is also good to leave your phone in another room or turn it off when studying. Your entire focus for those few hours needs to be on accounting.

Get Support From Others

Passing the CPA exam is a long and challenging process. You will need to rely on a lot of people in your life to stay mentally sound. Ask your colleges and mentors for advice throughout the process. Rely on your family and friends to help you have fun and relax when not studying. Do not try to do this alone. There are plenty of people willing to help.



Cole Harris Knoxville
Cole Harris Knoxville

Based in Knoxville, Cole Harris is a Tax Manager, musician, and world traveler.