Guitar Tips for Beginners

Cole Harris Knoxville
Cole Harris Knoxville
2 min readMay 5, 2020

Deciding to learn the guitar can be one of the greatest decisions you’ll make in your life. The guitar is a fun and incredibly social instrument. By becoming a musician, you are joining a large group of people throughout the world and will be able to connect with them through music. The guitar is, however, a very complicated instrument, so it would be to your advantage to get as many tips as you can about how to learn.

Here are a few crucial tips for learning how to play guitar.


Patience is required for learning anything, but especially for learning guitar. It’s fun to watch an excellent guitarist play because they make it look so easy. But behind this, there were years of dedication and hard work.

Be very patient with yourself and start with the understanding that it will take you a long time to reach a high level of performance skill. This will help you from getting frustrated and giving up your pursuit.

Learn a Simple Song

A great way to motivate yourself and see progress is to learn straightforward songs at first. They could be on one string even. By learning a simple song and one string, you will build your coordination and stay excited about learning since you are already making music!

Make Music Friends

If possible, surround yourself with as many musicians as you can. Just being around other guitar players and the music they make has a massive impact on your learning. You will be able to soak up all of the nuances of the instrument if you spend time with great guitar players. If you don’t have any guitar player friends, then watch performances online!

Keep Track of Progress

Use whatever means you can to keep track of the progress you make on your instrument. Always be working on getting to the next level. Having a guitar teacher is an incredible asset, although it is possible to learn by yourself. One of the great things about having a teacher is that they will keep you on track, which is often very hard to do by yourself.

All of these tips, stay motivated, and have a great time learning guitar!

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Cole Harris Knoxville
Cole Harris Knoxville

Based in Knoxville, Cole Harris is a Tax Manager, musician, and world traveler.