Cam helps a Cole Valley student with their Bible class assignment

She wanted to know what he thinks because he’s a Cole Valley Speaks leader

Cam Crow
Cole Valley Speaks
1 min readMay 9, 2019


This morning a Cole Valley student asked if I’d help her with her Bible class assignment! I instant-yessed. I’m thrilled to talk to anyone in Cole Valley about my ideas and the ideas of the Cole Valley Speaks movement. But, I requested that this be done in a public way because a lot of my ideas and words have been misrepresented. I want there to always be source material where someone can find what I actually said. She said that’s great.

Here’s the video recording of my answers to the questions, and below are hyperlinks to different sections.

  • Why did a student want to ask me about her Bible Class assignment? (0:00)
  • “What is your opinion about the church?” (4:41)
  • “If you’ve had any encounters with Christians, what was it like?” (8:22)
  • “Do you believe Jesus was a real person?” (11:02)
  • “What do you think happens after we die? (If heaven how do we get there)”(12:54)
  • “What’s your opinion about Christian schools? (not specifically cole valley, all Christian schools)” (14:22)

