Introducing Colibri for Sales: a real-time conversation intelligence and sales enablement platform

Irina Peregud Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 7, 2023

In today’s economic climate — when companies are looking for ways to do more with less — AI tools that can automate repetitive tasks and help you work more efficiently provide a desirable advantage.

As a sales leader, sales manager, or sales ops professional, you’re now probably looking for ways to increase the efficiency of your sales team. Want to eliminate unproductive distractions? Looking to onboard new sales reps faster? Wishing you could provide personalized, just-in-time sales coaching that is also scalable?

Well, look no further.

In this article, we’re excited to introduce Colibri for Sales, a next-generation real-time conversation intelligence platform that transcribes and analyzes every sales call in real time, assists sales reps while on a call by serving up battle cards and other helpful sales content, and provides AI meeting summaries and actionable insights immediately after meetings.

Colibri works where your team does. It captures phone calls and video meetings anywhere your team interacts with prospects and customers. Also, it has a tight integration with Zoom which allows reps to use Colibri right inside the Zoom desktop client, so they don’t need to switch between different apps while talking with customers.

Colibri for Sales is a Zoom Apps launch partner. It works in the Zoom desktop client, so sales reps can access their call templates, view live transcription, highlight key moments, and receive live battle cards right in Zoom.

If you’re eager to see Colibri for Sales in action, head over to our website to book a demo and start a 14-day free trial.

If you’re curious to learn more about how Colibri for Sales can help you increase sales efficiency and win more deals, read on for three key benefits.

Support your reps on every call with real-time AI coaching

Have you ever wished you could provide your sales reps with real-time coaching and support during every sales call? With Colibri, this is now possible, and you don’t have to be on every call to observe and coach your reps — you can now use Colibri Live Cue Cards to instantly deliver the knowledge and guidance they need to successfully navigate a sales call.

With Colibri Cue Cards you can help sales reps answer challenging customer questions, overcome objections, position your offer against the competition, and much more. Anyone in your team can set up cue cards for your sales reps — no programming skills are required. You just need to add your sales enablement content to Colibri and specify trigger keywords or phrases, and Colibri will surface the right cue cards at the right time.

Using AI, Colibri for Sales delivers live battle cards and other helpful sales content that reps can use to successfully navigate a sales call.

Today’s buyers are more knowledgeable than ever before. They expect salespeople to be product experts who can provide prompt and accurate answers to their questions. That’s why sales reps must be prepared to demonstrate deep product and industry knowledge when they are talking to customers. But rather than force your reps to memorize every detail about your products, competitors, and pricing, you can use Colibri Live Cue Cards to equip them with the relevant information as needed.

Here is an example of a cue card we use to help our sales team overcome the common ‘it’s too expensive’ objection:

An example of a cue card that helps reps overcome price objections. When a prospect says “Sorry, the price is too high. That’s more than I was expecting”, Colibri serves up a cue card that provides steps to handle it.

Colibri also helps reps improve the soft skills needed during a meeting. For example, it measures talk-to-listen ratio in real time to remind reps to pause and ask a question when they’ve been talking for too long.

Boost your rep efficiency with automated note-taking and summarization

Sales reps and Account Executives are the people who have access to the most precious thing for your business — information about prospective customers. But most salespeople don’t like taking notes and updating CRM, so this valuable information is often not being recorded and shared with the company.

As a result, company leaders don’t understand what’s happening on the front lines of their sales operations. Without detailed, comprehensive notes, they can’t help reps close deals. And they can’t get the insights they need to build successful go-to-market and sales enablement strategies.

Luckily, now you can use Colibri Live Notes and AI Meeting Summaries to glean essential customer data from every sales call automatically.

Colibri transcribes meetings in real time allowing salespeople to see live notes and highlight notable moments with one click. This way they can focus on the conversation — not on note-taking.

Colibri for Sales transcribes calls in real time and allows reps to highlight important information with one click.

After the meeting, the full transcript, highlights, and AI meeting summary are immediately accessible to the salesperson and to other team members.

AI meeting summaries can include follow-up items, customer questions, and topics of interest, such as customer pain points, competitor mentions, and budget. You can define custom topics that you’d like to track and Colibri will add them to your meeting summaries whenever they are mentioned during a call.

Colibri for Sales automatically generates notes, identifies action items, customer questions, and custom topics, such as competitors, pricing, and customer pain points.

By focusing attention on key moments and topics, AI meeting summaries allow you to quickly get to the core of any sales conversation. For sales reps and Account Executives, it’s the easiest way to get the info they need for fast follow-up and effective meeting prep. For sales leaders, AI summaries simplify the process of reviewing calls. Instead of spending hours listening to meeting recordings or reading long transcripts, they can now understand what was discussed during a meeting in minutes.

Get AI-powered conversation insights to make better strategic decisions

Sales calls are a treasure trove of knowledge about your customers, market, and team performance. That’s why most sales teams record and transcribe those calls. Of course, it’s a necessary first step to unlocking insights from your conversations. But what happens next to those recordings and transcripts is much more important.

If you’re creating transcripts merely to be read by managers or recording calls only for new reps to review, you’re missing out on a lot of potential business value. Sales professionals often don’t have the time to review and analyze every call. So it’s not surprising that often up to 98% of a company’s conversation data remains unprocessed.

Our conversation intelligence platform helps to solve this problem. By using AI, Colibri goes beyond recording and transcription. It analyzes everything that customers and salespeople are saying and provides business leaders with actionable customer intelligence and team performance insights. This includes identifying main competitors, common customer objections and pain points at scale and measuring metrics such as daily call activity, playbook adherence, talk-to-listen ratio, and prospects’ sentiment.

Colibri for Sales analyzes every conversation and provides business leaders with team performance analytics that includes metrics such as daily call volume, playbook adherence, talk-to-listen ratio, longest monologue, and more.

Colibri’s Team Performance Analytics helps you understand who’s executing well and who needs help, so you can coach your team better, whereas Topic Analytics helps you understand how your market is changing: the strengths and weaknesses of your products and services, your customers’ most common objections, how your competitors are competing, and more.

These insights can be used by sales reps and sales managers as well as marketing leaders and other company executives to make data-driven decisions and shape a winning business strategy

We hope these benefits will help your sales team work more efficiently. If you feel inspired to explore Colibri for Sales, we’d be happy to talk with you. Fill out this form and we’ll connect you with a product expert who can share more about the product and answer any questions you have.



Irina Peregud Blog

Building an AI note-taking & transcription app to transform team meetings, customer calls, webinars, and any other audio content into insightful notes.