The Co-Liv Network
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2021


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Meet Frank Frantz, Co-Liv’s Ambassador for the USA

I believe people who colive will be more understanding of one another, we may even find common ground.

An optimist and creator, Frank is passionate about the good that coliving can bring to society and its potential to change how people inhabit the world around them.

Frank is the founder of Bounce Coliving, which he started up after noticing that there is a lack of coliving spaces in the US whilst living ‘on the road’ himself, exploring new places and meeting new people.

How do you currently define yourself, and what drives you?

I’m an optimist and a creator.

I don’t look at the world as it is, I look at how it can be.

What drives me is the potential to add value to the world and people. I view coliving as a tremendous good to society to connect diverse groups of people, provide quality spaces for people to live, work and enjoy life in, to open up new places for people to explore, and allow people to move more freely.

What makes you passionates about coliving, and why are you actively promoting the coliving scene?

Expanding on my previous answer, I think coliving has the potential to change this static way of living that western society has adopted — buying a house, filling it with things that are not needed, following the same routine, and staying put in your personal bubble or echo chamber for your entire life. I truly believe that being exposed to people, environments and situations outside your bubble is for the better.

In general, I believe people who colive will be more understanding of one another, we may even find common ground.

Additionally, I think coliving is great for the environment — there is less overall consumption, less energy used per person, and less personal space taken up per person. Coliving has the opportunity to solve the loneliness pandemic and expose people to more stimulating and serendipitous moments.

What are your visions and thoughts on the future of coliving for the year to come?

I think coliving is going to hit its stride in the US this year. With more people working remotely than ever before, young professionals and others are going to take advantage of coliving properties. The value in coliving is flexibility and community — these are two qualities that people are going to cherish post-Covid. I think coliving will primarily be adopted by younger generations in the near future, but I think there will be opportunities for it to expand to different demographics — the elderly, low-income individuals, and college students.

You joined Co-Liv as “US Ambassador” — which opportunities do you want to create for the country you represent, the organization, its members, and the coliving industry?

I think the biggest goal for me is to educate. Most people in the US still haven’t even heard the word coliving, and if they have, there is confusion around it — folks confuse it with hostels, hotels, and dorms.

Another point I really want to promote is the massive opportunity that there is in the US for coliving — demand heavily outweighs supply.

There are an estimated 10,000 coliving beds in the entire US and most of these are in a handful of cities.

How did you get into coliving?

Before starting Bounce, I was a consultant for Deloitte. I traveled almost every week for 3.5 years and rarely spent a night in my apartment. To save money, I didn’t renew my lease and spent 100% of my time on the road going from project locations during the week to visiting new destinations with friends on the weekends. There would be weird gaps in between projects where I would need a place to stay for a month — I needed a place fully furnished, affordable, with a flexible lease. I also wanted to meet people so Airbnb didn’t cut it. I kind of stumbled into coliving because of this weird need and fell in love with it. I thought that there needed to be more coliving locations in the US so I left my job to pursue building Bounce Coliving, which is only based in great rural areas.

Thank you for being part of this movement! How can people reach out, and what can you mostly help them with?

Please reach out to me at — I’m up for talking about anything coliving related. I can help with business model development, market research, pro forma estimates, and introductions to other folks in the industry. If you believe in what we are doing at Bounce and want to get involved, we are looking for designers, marketeers, and people with experience in property management.



The Co-Liv Network

Co-Liv is the global association of coliving professionals, guiding and empowering the coliving industry.🏡 (