I’ve Got a Lazy Employee, What Do I do?

Lazy Employees are a Telling Sign: is it you, or is it the company?

Andy Chan
The Human Business
Published in
9 min readJul 22, 2019


Humans are especially fragile beings and hard work can easily wear us down. That’s why we are prone to breaking down and being less productive as we countdown to the end of work. Yet, as a leader, you want your teams to be fully productive—even if you aren’t. Definitely, in an ideal world, everyone in the organization stays productive for the whole 8 hours (the average number of hours in a workday).

Especially at crunch periods, you want your team to more focused than before. However, many leaders and managers would know that there is usually one or two employees who are not performing as good as the others. It is not about the level of skill or about the amount of experience, it is about commitment. As blunt as the term may be, it is simply a case of classic laziness and it stems from many different causes.

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Andy Chan
The Human Business

Product design @ Delivery Hero. I write about pretty much anything I want to write.