Updated from original date of publication: 1/28/23

Collab.Land Supports Gnosis Safe: TWO WAYS

Anjali Young
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2022


GM. Collab.Land supports signers of Gnosis Safes for token-granted roles and for member verification in Discord.

For ADMINS: How to give a special role to ALL signers of a shared Gnosis safe.

In the Collab.Land Command Center:
1. Choose Chain type: ETH Mainnet or Gnosis Chain
2. Token Type: Gnosis Safe
3. Enter the safe address

For Members: How to verify if your assets with Gnosis Safe

Begin by clicking the “Let’s Go!” button in the #collabland-join channel of the Discord server you want to verify in

From the Wallet delegation page, click on “+ Verify with a New Wallet

On connect.collab.land:

Select Gnosis Safe — click “SHOW ALL” if your screen does not display it.

Choose your Gnosis Safe owner wallet. Note: Make sure your signing wallet and Gnosis Safe are on the same network.

Click the “Sign Message” button to sign the message with your owner wallet.

NOTE: If you are a signer on multiple safes, you will be asked to choose the one you want to sign in with.

This is only for signers on multiple gnosis safes.

Members: Only One Safe Signer Gets the Role — at a time. These means all signers of a safe cannot share the same safe assets to verify for a particular role.

Only the most recent signer (the first signer initially) will receive the token-granted roles.

When a subsequent safe owner signs, they will receive a duplicate wallet error. To claim the token-granted roles for themselves, they click “Yes” on the Duplicate Wallet Detected page. Gnosis Safe ownership can be redesignated to a different wallet after 24 hours by going through the verification process again.

When the wallet owner is successfully changed, any previously connected owner will lose their token-granted access.

Again, multiple owners can share token-granted access, but only one owner at a time.

You can read more about the duplicate wallet error here.


Be prepared with your Gnosis Safe address.

Make sure your owner wallet is on the same network as the Gnosis Safe when signing. Supported networks are Mainnet and Gnosis Chain

The first owner to sign the message will get access to token-granted roles. Subsequent owners can initiate the Duplicate Wallet Detected flow to gain access. This process takes 24 hours to reset.

Once the wallet association changes, any previously connected owner will lose their token-granted roles. Multiple owners can share access, but only one owner at a time.

And as always, we appreciate you for being a member of Collab.Land’s community of communities! Always confirm you are interacting with the verified Discord bot #6372.

With developer-mode on, you can also confirm Collab.Land Discord UserID: 704521096837464076

Collab.Land is a read-only application. When you sign a message, you attest that you own a particular wallet address. Collab.Land reads the public blockchain to verify that the wallet address is connected to the required token address to grant a role. There is no opportunity for Collab.Land to have access to anything other than your public wallet address, which is viewable to everyone.

