From Connection to Delegation: Message Signing Now Optional

Anjali Young


New Flow for Returning Discord Members

Introducing a new wallet connection flow and this time it’s even better.

Why now? The concern around message signing is growing within crypto communities. We hear you, and your feedback is key.

Now when clicking on the “Let’s Go” button, a member can choose an existing connected wallet without having to sign a new message. First time wallet connection still requires message signing.

New custom messages that include details about your interaction. Private to you.

Connect wallets across Collab.Land’s Discord communities

Members can verify with any wallet address connected to any previously connected Collab.Land community.

For example, if Sam wants Collab.Land to read the wallet address he previously connected in the SupDucks server, and use it for the Adam Bomb Squad server, they can choose it.

And no new message to sign.


Choose a wallet and click Disconnnect. Collab.Land will disconnect the wallet from the current community. There will be no subsequent background checks moving forward. This process is immediate.

Be sure you want to disconeect as you will lose all roles granted as a result of the wallet connection.

Message Signing — First Time Only

If a member previously attested that a wallet address belongs to them, there is no reason to sign another message for that same wallet. Once does the trick!

Verifying with a New Wallet

If a member wants to verify with a new wallet, go for it! Choosing
+ Verify with a New Wallet (see option at bottom of the screen above) takes you to our familiar Wallet Connection page.

You will have to sign a message the first time you connect a new wallet.

Always verify the website address is

Whether you direct the bot to read an existing wallet or add a new one, the confirmation page remains the same.

Once you get this message, you have completed the verification process.

Enjoy the new update! And thanks for being a member of Collab.Land communities. Always verify you are interacting with the verified Discord bot.

Collab.Land is a read only application. When you sign a message, you attest that you own that particular wallet address. Collab.Land reads the public blockchain to verify that the wallet address is connected to the required token address to grant a role. There is no opportunity for Collab.Land to have access to anything other than your public wallet address, which is viewable to everyone.

