How to Create Token Gated Access for ERC7160 with Collab.Land

Anjali Young
3 min readDec 7, 2023


In the ever expanding world of NFTs, staying ahead of the curve is key. And as we continue to forge ahead, Collab.Land has taken a significant leap by integrating support for ERC7160 collections pioneered by Transient Labs, mpeyfuss and 0xG.

This milestone was marked by the flagship usage of this standard by ‘Perils of Sēsē’ by All Seeing Seneca. This article will guide you through the process of creating Token Gated Roles (TGRs) for your ERC7160 collection.

Creating Token Gating Rules with ERC7160

Step 1: Accessing the Command Center

Begin by navigating to the Collab.Land Command Center at This platform is your gateway to managing your token collections and their associated access.

Step 2: Selecting Your Server or Group

In the Command Center, choose the server or group where you wish to establish the TGR. This can be done from the left panel by clicking on “TGRs”.

Step 3: Role Assignment

Click on the “+ Select Role” button for Discord only. Here, you’ll assign the Discord role you want to link with your TGR.

Step 4: Entering Token Details

Now, enter the details of your NFT:

  • Description: Provide a brief description of your TGR for reference purposes (optional)
  • Chain Type: Select ‘Mainnet’
  • Token Type: Choose ‘Opensea’
  • Collection Name: Enter the exact name of your token’s collection as it appears on OpenSea
  • Balance: Specify the minimum and maximum token amounts required to obtain the role

Remember, the collection name must precisely match its OpenSea counterpart. Use the name directly from the collection’s URL on OpenSea.

Step 5: Saving Your Settings

After entering all details, click “Save” to finalize your TGR.

Creating a TGR for an ERC7160 collection is a straightforward process on Collab.Land. This integration not only simplifies the management of NFT communities but also paves the way for broader adoption and innovative uses of the ERC7160 standard.

Congratulations once again to ‘Perils of Sēsē’ by All Seeing Seneca for being the trailblazing project on this new standard, and a special recognition to Transient Labs, along with mpeyfuss and 0xG, for their pivotal role in developing this technology.

As always, we appreciate you for being a member of Collab.Land’s community of communities! Always confirm you are interacting with the verified Discord bot #6372.

With developer-mode on, you can also confirm Collab.Land Discord UserID: 704521096837464076

Collab.Land is a read-only application. When you sign a message, you attest that you own a particular wallet address. Collab.Land reads the public blockchain to verify that the wallet address is connected to the required token address to grant a role. There is no opportunity for Collab.Land to have access to anything other than your public wallet address, which is viewable to everyone.

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