Discover How Hobbies Power Productivity!

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Collabio Spaces
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2022

The buzz of productivity feels good, but it should not be confined to the office. Pumping some purpose and interest into our free time takes care of our wellbeing and promises more productive days at work. Let’s take a closer look at how this happens and how to make the best of our hobbies!

How Hobbies Help

Ever immersed yourself in something simply for fun? We are sure you can remember how good it felt. Fun and amusement is never a waste of time and here are a few reasons to invest in it:

  1. Firstly, hobbies allow you to develop new skills, enhance old ones and keep fit. You develop, both mentally and physically.
  2. They contribute to your success at work, especially if they are somehow connected to your business.
  3. Hobbies help to shift focus from work issues and disconnect, preventing burnout.
  4. They help us feel that we live life to the fullest and bring positive emotions.
  5. Many startups are born from hobbies! Perhaps your next hobby will become your future job. :)

Which Hobbies Bring Productivity?

Let’s find out which pastimes are handy and practical. You may find some inspiration for your next favourite hobby.

  1. Reading books. It doesn’t matter if you like fiction or business literature — reading develops vocabulary, provides information for reflection, raises awareness.
  2. Making up your own stories. You don’t have to be a writer to create stories or note memoirs in your diary. Express private thoughts, create alternative realities, translate your dreams into letters. Playful creativity can boost imagination at work, too.
  3. Drawing. Think of drawing as meditation. Embody your emotions in colours, even if you are not an artist. And if this sound too abstract, choose ‘paint by numbers’ and enjoy the process of building an illustration.
  4. Taking photos or editing videos. Artists do not always draw pictures by hand — some create them using a camera lens. When it comes to photo and video editing, you can bring the most creative ideas to life!
  5. Crafts. Knitting, sewing clothes, woodwork, weaving baubles, felting toys from wool — try any of these bright hobbies to find out what draws you in.
  6. Cooking. This pastime is suitable even for those who have never dreamed of becoming a chef. Explore recipes and enjoy the taste of the dishes! To save your favourite recipes, use a Cookbook template from Collabio. ;)
  7. Sports — dancing, stretching, yoga, swimming — are a great match for active people who want their brain to fully relax after hard work in the office. What’s more, they help bring balance to our lives, keeping us fit and feeling better!
  8. Hiking or walking. If you love nature, these are the best options. Breathing fresh air, enjoying the beauty of nature and at the same time keeping fit — what could be better!
  9. Meditation. To completely disconnect and dive deeper into yourself, try this one. Take a break from work worries and immerse in a world of reflection, discovery and communication with the self.
  10. Growing plants. Prove yourself as a designer of your home, arrange beautiful plants in different corners of the rooms, and fill your home with oxygen. These plants will freshen the air, and your mind.
  11. Travelling. Visiting other countries always brings new experiences. Travelling offers time to look and learn of the cultures of the world, the history of civilizations and the lay of the land.
  12. Playing video and board games. If this hobby does not turn into an obsession, then games can develop logic and learning of foreign languages, if played with subtitles.
  13. Solving puzzles. When did you last build a Lego construction? It is never too late to let your hands and logic work together!
  14. Learning new languages. This hobby proves incredibly useful, for work and leisure. Build stronger connections with people near and far and replenish vocabulary in your own native language, too!

Our list is not extensive but hints at how enriching hobbies can be. Why hesitate?

You can be amused by anything you want. The best part of finding a hobby is the freedom to choose! A great way to find a suitable pastime is to rediscover your childhood hobbies. Think of what inspired you earlier in life and try it once again. Most likely, you naturally possess these abilities already.

How to Make the Most of Hobbies?

The hardest part, for most of us, is to maintain interest in one hobby and find time for it. Here are several tips for developing your curiosity about anything:

  1. Choose only those hobbies that bring positive emotions. Do what you really love and if something seems boring or irrelevant, postpone it to another time. Maybe later it will become more inspiring for you.
  2. Schedule time for hobbies in advance. To not face an issue of lack of time, plan time slots for doing hobbies.
  3. Limit time wasters. Procrastination steals time both at work and at home. Set a 15-minute timer for scrolling the Facebook feed and close it before getting to other pastimes.
  4. Keep an eye on progress. Keep your first works and take photos of where you start. Later, you’ll compare them with fresher results and feel inspired by your own progress!



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