AI controlled by smart contract rules

Blockchain Knowledge Foundation
5 min readOct 25, 2018


We cage animals to limit wild behavior. If people behave like animals, we imprison them. If systems run out of control, we hit the red button or emergency break. If organizations violate compliance rules, plans or goals, we limit organizational behavior by laws.

Golden rule: When something or someone crosses limits, the boss draws a red line.

I suggest to apply this rule to AI systems and complex AI based robots. Blockchain offers a perfect compliance mechanism. Smart contracts limit all behavior. Behavior is upfront programmed (a priori) and not posteriori (afterwards), when it’s to late. Blockchain offers full traceable of system behavior to find causes and hold responsible.

Blockchain is a deterministic permanent record of real orders, perfect to border a the probabilistic, ever changing and reality guessing AI system.

AI and blockchain are fit seamless together. Making a safe smart contract grid on top of AI. Blockchain caged AI autonomy. I would trust a child to operate an drone or aircraft, if such robot compliance system is in place. All actions are traceable and immutable, upfront per-programmed.

Key paradigm shift is the ability to upfront (pre-) programme machine.

Upfront control is makes high speed machines acceptable. We know that machines are faster, but what happens with our regular compliance checks or control ? Nowadays al systems and machines rely partly on posterior (afterwards) checks and balances by accountants. Also law is applied afterwards. Sometimes you can call the boss to decide. Blockchain improves speed, accuracy. Faster than human, but still ruled by men wihin the Operational Blockchain Designed Domain. (Let’s call it: OBDD).

Upfront control tuns this way of working around. Stay number one and get more control. Generals must love this. Any organization will become a per-programmed market Raptor or die. Of course, such market and war animals need compliance rule based caged autonomy!

We should not evangelize technology, like the talking to VW Herbie.

Please do not see AI wrong! The analogy with animals would be to teach crocodiles not to eat zoo visitors. Industry love to so. There are many tech pusher ICT firms out there, doing research at your cost. The AI god mod’s apps never come cheap.

AI Robots are still just machines!

Systems based on AI are not that different from machines or other systems. Vital parts are missing. They are not contentiousness or do not suffer. People themselves even doubt their own contentiousness. Uncertain of their own status, people placed themselves sometimes above or below animals or God. Aristotle and Descartes and may others discussed this topic. Organizations never have a morale. They perform just as single task like “make profit”. Yous must follow orders and stop thinking in many organizations. They know no pain or pleasure or morale. People have that, systems not. Most of the time machines are not smarter, but just faster. True, a smart photo finish outperforms humans on speed.

Most important is language. We cannot talk to machines efficient, without error in a structured way now.

We must understand the machine and the machines understands us, without error or misunderstanding. That’s the main reason of our fear, mistrust for machines.

Language between humans is a platform to share abilities, culture and deeper values. For most machines we still need a translator, we call programmer, an operator. Sometimes you do not even get an manual. We better focus on using a more advanced control language interfaces. There is a need for direct ERROR FREE control & TRACEABLE behavior.

Using NBL mathematical compiler we translate without errors.

NBL Natural blockchain language lets managers to produce error free executable blockchain code. Even 10 times faster. The NBL compiler does the work, NBL translates English/into Solidity for Ethereum/Quorum.

More important than speed is that NBL makes that lawyers or managers can understand (R/W/VALIDATE) blockchains and that code is ERROR free. I remind: blockchain is write only!

NBL comes with a simple 2 STEP methodology to grantee ERROR FREE code: 1. NBL natural language input texts can be validated for correctness by domain experts. 2. NBL compiler does the work and compiles to executable blockchain code like Solidity for ETH.

NBL is 2 years ahead of the market, annalists say. NBL brings transparency, immutable, safe & traceable data to the mass.

Spreading what all need around: For example NBL…Nippon Blockchain Language ?

NBL is made by a foundation that wants to bring NBL to Japan too. We need to translate the input language, which is only a subset of English. Enough to write down compliance rules.
Once translated to Japanese, Japan can put it’s own, by all readable blockchain language, on top of various local blockchains. NBL can be regulated by the government because the code generated is made by a mathematical compiler and can be proven to be correct. Every country needs own regulated blockchains and smart contracts to compete and be independent. For example: is a government regulated blockchain by the USA. The American government can watch along on their own nodes or servers. EU or Japan does not have such regulated blockchain yet. Having a regulated readable blockchain language is even more important, I believe. Making Smart Contracts and certification will be 80% of all blockchain work and making those rules in a computer language like Java does not work. Java like languages are far too slow and contain far too many errors. No judge or government can read Java like languages. They read Japanese.

The blockchain is all about solving and speed up compliance and certification issues. This plea is also important for large corporations, then the strength of the language is more concentrated on legacy data integration. Think about a Toyota or Mitsubishi general compliance and certification language. Finally, I like to end with the remark that there better place in the world to talk to robots, without error and misunderstanding, than in robot/machine-minded Japan.

Please continue to read more here: I use the simple 3 line Milkman analogy to explain blockchain fast

Here I wrote an other related article : Impact analyses of the blockchain on the rule of law & truth-finding. The impact on governmental systems is hard to avoid. There is a lot to gain too. Suddenly we have a new toolbox, solving some 100 year old problems! Every generation has to reinvent itself, using latest technology.

Arnoud Berghuis

