Initial Insights

Salil Parekh
Collaboration Manual
2 min readJul 4, 2017

From the first set of interviews, conducted I found many overlapping insights. Most of them felt clear communication was a key ingredient to good collaboration. Problems only arise due to miscommunication and lack of clear articulation when talking to each other. They also felt that not taking feedback to heart is important when in a collaboration. There is a tendency of many to let professional feedback affect them personally, when it is never the intention to do so.

Having a common goal or vision is needed to keep the team working together and pulling in the same direction. They might be some conflicts along the journey, but that friction is important to continuously re-align the group and course correct when needed. In smaller groups, team members will also have to wear different caps in a collaboration. Members must play different roles in a collaboration, to ensure smooth running.

No matter what role you play in a collaboration, you must be as invested in its future as anyone else is. Only then will you be able to give your 100% to the cause. In many ways, a collaboration is very similar to a relationship or a marriage. The personal relationships between people are just as important as the professional ones. So you must learn how to work with different people. Above all, try to understand that everyone is also trying to figure it out, just as you are.

Collaborations can broadly be divided into two divisions — organic and planned. Sometimes, collaborations simply come together, and happen so naturally that no one thinks of structuring it or giving it any form of formal hierarchy. The other is when collaborations are carefully mediated and structured. Although when collaborations come about organically, a structure also naturally falls into place sometimes. If it doesn't, then it is important to have one, as it ensures accountability and thus, productivity.

some notes

These are just a few of the things I’ve found so far, I’ve got loads more interviews to get through and list down.

