43 Openers To Text Your Crush Instead Of “Hey”

Get ready for a better response rate.

Luke Trayser
Collaboration Room


Art by Donnacha Kenny

Early in my career as a copywriter, I learned something useful: If I wrote something that did not work, it was not in my best interest to write the exact same thing again.

And yet, it’s what texters everywhere do when trying to get a response from someone they’re into.


Not good.

Never fear, my clueless friend. If your texts constantly get crickets in response, you have come to the right place. For no one texts like copywriters.

We know our audience, we have a vault of diverse and fascinating information, and WE ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO LET A CONVERSATION DIE. We’re not being ghosted. We’re simply in the early phases of a drip campaign.

Climb aboard. The train is leaving the station. Here are 43 openers to text your crush that work way better than whatever you’re using now.

p.s. I asked my colleague, Audra, for help in making this list and she was kind enough to oblige. She is funnier than I am, and if you laugh at one of these ideas, she wrote it.




Luke Trayser
Collaboration Room

ACD and copy guy at Ivor Andrew. Freelance copywriting mercenary. Not my real hair. Get in touch on Twitter or email ltrayser at gmail.