How to Talk to Anyone.

Anna Sabino
Collaborative Chronicles
2 min readMay 21, 2017


10 Ways to Get Ready to Strike up a Great Conversation.

Photo by: Phil Coffman

Do you have a networking event you dread attending? Are you going to a party where you’ll know just the host? Enlarging your well of greatness will make it easier to start an interesting conversation. Here are 10 ways you can do it:

  • BE CURIOUS — read a few articles on diverse and unrelated topics. Dive into a story about dolphin intelligence in National Geographic, read about mediated dreaming in Psychology Today or about little known churches on the cliffs in Ethiopia. You never know when you may want to share one of these intriguing stories.
  • JOIN AN UNUSUAL EXPERIENCE — visit a farm, join dinner in the dark experience, go to a book signing or a poetry reading. You’ll spark curiosity talking about your unusual experience.
  • BECOME CERTIFIED — getting diving certified, obtaining a motorcycle license, becoming a yoga instructor may allow you to relate to someone who has the same certification or is thinking of getting one.
  • TAKE A RANDOM CLASS — I’m a huge proponent of taking different classes. Whether it’s a class online or a course you have to attend, investing in growth is the best you can give to yourself and a possible way to start a conversation.
  • ATTEND A CONFERENCE — you’ll definitely find out something new and share-worthy attending any type conference: writing, creativity, business, etc. There are many events organized by magazines and associations — pick one that sparks your interest.
  • WATCH A FEW NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTARIES ON DIFFERENT TOPICS — thought provoking movies you’ll watch will give you an opportunity to connect with those who have seen the same documentary or those who are interested in seeing it.
  • TRY SOMETHING NEW — even if you’re not a skier, diver, sailor, actor, golfer trying one of these activities even once will enable you to join or start a conversation.
  • READ SOME MEMORABLE HOW TO’S — learn how to successfully remove a red wine stain, be able to offer a tip on faster reading or share a productivity app that you use.
  • LEARN AN EASY TO MAKE RECIPE — whether it’s guacamole, pizza dough or banana bread, do perfect a dish. Have a picture of your homemade specialty available to share if an opportunity arises.


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Anna Sabino
Collaborative Chronicles

NYC based business coach & content strategist. Join free 3 day IG 10K challenge to revive your account