
Cat Wild
Collaborative Chronicles
1 min readJun 7, 2017

Molly heard the phone ringing in the seat behind her and someone pulling a phone out of their pocket.

“What?” Molly braced herself for a long conversation. This always seemed to happen when she sat in the supposed quiet carriage.

“Wait, say that again. I didn’t hear you too well.” Molly noticed this was said in a slightly louder voice.

“Oh, no. When?” A pronounced sigh.

“Where are you? Are you home? Do you want me to come over? I can be there in about forty-five minutes.” Molly thought she heard the woman’s voice break slightly, but it was hard to be sure.

“Was anyone with him?”

“All right. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Molly sighed. This conversation was so like the phone call she’d received two years ago, after her mother’s car accident. But before the memories of that day could overtake and overwhelm her, she heard a new conversation start behind her.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“No, I’m on the train. I’m heading there now.”

There was an extended pause, then:

“Me, too. I’ll see you soon. I can’t believe we did it.”

