The Night Before Christmas

Christine Costa
Collaborative Chronicles
1 min readDec 16, 2017

A seasonal Drabble which I hope you enjoy!

Vivian tied a red bow around the Christmas present, wrote “Love at Christmas, your Secret Santa xxx”, and fixed the tag in place.

She hand delivered it, watching to be sure that it was picked up from the step, before returning home to practice expressions of shock in the mirror.

Her twin sister loved the fragrance Venom and Vivian knew she wouldn’t wait until tomorrow to open it and drench herself in the cloying scent. The scent that recently clung all over Vivian’s husband.

She ate a chocolate from the Secret Santa box; realisation dawning too late. Touché dear sister.



Christine Costa
Collaborative Chronicles

Writer of short stories and flash fiction, lover of fantasy and elves, rainbows and a good tale well told.