Collaborne Weekly

Redesigned Mission pages, simplified inter-phase movement, and password security — all part of our latest product updates!

Adam Kohut
2 min readSep 30, 2016
Sept.30, 2016—Mission pages have been redesigned.

Looking fresh

Mission pages have been redesigned, for both aesthetics and functionality. From each mission’s page, you can now schedule and mark missions as complete or incomplete. You can also view a short video explanation, read up on the rationale behind each mission, and check that you’ve done the necessary prep work before getting started!


The Timeline view now allows for easy movement between phases. For example, click on “Move to Visioning” to go from the Sensing to the Visioning phase. Need to return to Sensing? Re-click “Move to Visioning” to reverse the step.

The Timeline view allows for easy inter-phase movement.

Let the right one in

Because of extremely strict parameters, the act of setting a password has in the past been the source of frustration for our users. Research, however, has since proven that too-strict password policies are essentially self-defeating, in that they lead to passwords that are difficult for people to remember, yet easy for computers to crack. Hence, we have listened to you, the user, and adjusted our password policy to a more security- and user-friendly level.

Relevant XKCD:


Everyone makes mistakes

Error messaging during login has been made “more human.” We now tell you what’s wrong in terms that don’t require a PhD to understand. Best of all? We tell you how to resolve your problem!

Login error messaging is now clearly communicated.

New features and updates are directly available at New native releases will appear on the App Store and Google Play in the coming days.

