Go with the flow

Introducing a four-part series on NEXT’s Business Design process

Milos Prokic
2 min readAug 30, 2016
Photo: Sanjay Sen

With NEXT, the quest for innovation will take teams of innovators through four phases after they’ve completed their Brief: Sensing, Visioning, Prototyping, and Scaling. Each phase is designed to focus on an aspect of innovation development and leads to the actual implementation and deployment of a team’s innovation. Together, these phases—collectively known as the Concepting stage—seamlessly integrate into the Business Design process. (Implementation, which occurs after the Business Design process has been completed, is a stage of its own.)

The Business Design process is rooted in the best practices of design thinking and stimulates both the left (logical) and right (creative) sides of the brain. The process helps bring out the best qualities each individual has to offer, resulting in innovative yet practical value propositions.

  • Sensing — Explore the topic from a multi-dimensional perspective, combining rational analysis with an intuitive gathering of insights to hone on the right problem to solve.
  • Visioning — Create a user Value Proposition to answer the defined problem by thinking big, reframing beliefs and using analogies.
  • Prototyping — Perform rapid user testing to collect feedback and improve key aspects of the value proposition. Iterate.
  • Scaling — Design a viable and scalable solution while remaining adaptable to an uncertain future by leveraging proven scaling frames.

But what exactly occurs during the Business Design process? What will innovators be doing? And why will they be doing it?

To answer these — and more — questions, we will publish a four-part series that delves into each phase, detailing its purpose and philosophy, “Design Tasks” contained within, and pointers for success.

Let’s get started. Click the link to read the first part of the four-part “Business Design process” series: Sensing.

Contributing editor: Adam Kohut



Milos Prokic

Making innovation smart, sticky, and simple! Chief Customer Success Officer@Collaborne, #Innovation, #Designthink, #Socialbiz, #SaaS, #INSEADAlum, #McGillAlu