Polymer 2.0: Replace <neon-animation> with Web Animations API

The <neon-animation> element got deprecated with Polymer 2.0. Here are the steps to replace it with the Web Animation API.

Ronny Roeller
NEXT Engineering
2 min readJul 13, 2017


The past: Neon-animations

For illustration, here is a simple element using the deprecated neon-animations:

<dom-module id="my-element">
#animatable {
background: red;
<div id="animatable">I'm animated!</div>
class MyElement extends
Polymer.Element) {

static get is() {
return 'my-element';
show() {

getAnimationConfig() {
return [{
name: 'slide-down-animation',
node: this.$.animatable,
timing: {
duration: 500
name: 'slide-up-animation',
node: this.$.animatable,
timing: {
delay: 1000,
duration: 500
customElements.define(MyElement.is, MyElement);


On calling the show() method, the element will slide down, be visible for 0.5 sec, and then fade out.

The future: Web Animation API

Let’s convert this element to use the Web Animations API:

class MyElement extends Polymer.Element {

static get is() {
return 'my-element';
show() {
{transform:'translateY(0)', opacity: 1, easing: 'ease-out'},
{transform:'translateY(100%)', opacity: 1, easing: 'ease-in'},
{transform:'translateY(100%)', opacity: 0 }
duration: 1500,


customElements.define(MyElement.is, MyElement);

There is a catch tough: Some of the major browsers, like Edge and Safari, don’t support the Web Animations API today. Luckily, there is a polyfill, which you can install to your project:

bower install web-animations-js

And then add to your element:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/neon-animation/web-animations.html">

Preserve animation end state

There is one more challenge left: The element returns to its original state once the animation finishes. In our example, the element jumps back to the top and is again visible. With neon-animations, you could listen to the neon-animation-finish event and permanently change the element.

The Web Animations API offers the same functionality via animation.finished, a promise that resolves when the animation finishes.

To preserve the end state of our animation, we simply need to fix the state:

show() {
const animation = this.$.animatable.animate([
{transform:'translateY(0)', opacity: 1, easing: 'ease-out'},
{transform:'translateY(100%)', opacity: 1, easing: 'ease-in'},
{transform:'translateY(100%)', opacity: 0 }
duration: 1500,

animation.finished.then(() => {
// Preserve end position of the animation
this.$.animatable.style.transform = 'translateY(100%)';
this.$.animatable.style.opacity = 0;


Happy coding!

Want to learn more about Polymer? Have a look to all our Medium posts on Polymer.



Ronny Roeller
NEXT Engineering

CTO at nextapp.co # Product discovery platform for high performing teams that bring their customers into every decision