87 Check-in Meeting Questions to Break the Ice (Cube)

Lillie Vogt
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2023
Check-in Meeting Questions

“Check yo’ team before you wreak yo’ team”

Ice Cube’s iconic 1993 hit “Check Yo’ Self” embodies some words of wisdom that managers can take with them in the workplace: To avoid “wreaking” your team, you need to “check” in with your team.

Okay, so that’s not word-for-word what he said, but the message is there.

As a leader, finding the right balance between knowing what’s going on with your team and being too authoritative can be difficult (for both you and your team). But check-ins don’t equate to micromanagement or boring meetings. If you’re equipped with the right check-in meeting questions, your discussions will improve team dynamics, help people be more productive, and decrease turnover. This blog will give you 87 questions to make that happen.

What are check-ins?

Check-ins are meetings between managers and direct reports that focus on progress made on projects and assigned tasks. Depending on the type of check-in, these meetings occur on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.

🎤 Essentially, check-ins are “just somebody getting something off their chest. That’s all it is.”

What’s the difference between a check-in and a 1:1 meeting?

Often times a check-in gets wrongfully intertwined with 1:1 meetings. The difference is that a check-in focuses on your employees’ day-to-day needs, progress, and attitudes. A 1:1 meeting reviews performance, goals, and employee engagement on a monthly, quarterly, or annual schedule.

Why do you need check-ins?

As a manager, you need an opportunity to assess whether your team is on the right track to achieve quarterly goals and company OKRs. Regular check-ins help you stay in the know and foresee potential problems at an early stage.

🤔 Have you ever heard of an asynchronous check-in? In Collato, teams can share an update through video or written communication that can be created and accessed at any time. It’s perfect for remote teams, companies in different time zones, or even as an addition to synchronous meetings.

See how it’s done by booking a call with us.

Why do check-in meeting questions make work more effective?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what information you need to make work better for employees. And asking, “Is everything okay?” or “How are things going?” will only take you so far. Check-in questions guide your conversation to get right to the heart of what’s working and what’s not.

87 check-in meeting questions

Asking your teammates to share their experiences and insights about their job creates a powerful connection that builds a healthy workplace relationship. Get a list of 87 questions that’ll help guide your next check-in meeting here.

Originally published at https://collato.com.



Lillie Vogt
Editor for

Content Creator at Collato | Interested in personal development and the Future of Work 🚀