Agile Product Management: A Flexible, User-Focused Approach

Catherine Norris
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2023

Why adopt an agile framework

Agile product development requires a more fluid approach today than in the past. Standard product management processes involve carefully planned experiences and features from the jump. Design, implementation, and execution happen step-by-step until you have a finished product ready for release. But does that method still work?

Picture this:

A software company works for more than a year to develop a new product using a typical waterfall product management framework. Managers define requirements, hand them off to development, and work to keep teams on track throughout the process. But then, the needs of their target audience change halfway through the development cycle. Because changes are challenging to implement at that stage, they continue with the original plan. Upon release, the target customers are no longer interested, and the product fails.

That scenario happens more commonly than you might think, but it’s easy to avoid with an agile framework. Here are a few benefits of agile product management processes:

Respond quickly to complex changes — Agile frameworks let you adjust plans on the fly. Instead of focusing on a clear-cut process at the start, you can develop OKRs. Objectives and key results combine long-term goals and short-term key results that focus on positive outcomes.

It’s far from the typical annual review of standard product management processes. You can regroup agile teams, reassess priorities, and adapt to any change that comes your way.

Adapt to customer needs — Agile product management processes are customer-centric. The shift from linear strategies to incremental progress allows you to gather valuable customer feedback. Whether that’s through product testing or market research, the insights you collect can be immediately utilized.

The result is a product that delivers high value while meeting your customer’s evolving needs.

Promote collaboration — Agile product development benefits more than just your customers. It also changes how your entire team works together. Agile product teams can freely collaborate with managers, developers, designers, and customers.

Successful cross-departmental collaboration smoothes the process as you shift priorities and adapt. It fosters a healthier work environment that leans on accountability, putting your best minds together under a unified vision to create magic.

Focus on the outcome — One of the biggest perks of using an agile framework is that it sets your sights on the outcome rather than the initial set goals, which might only work for the market when you first define your requirements that might not be true after your product is ready for the masses. Standard product management frameworks can be inflexible, forcing you to ignore what your customers want in favor of the plans already set.

That’s not the case with agile product management. You work toward the desired outcome instead of the defined requirements you set months ago.

Agile product management frameworks in action

Using an agile framework can be daunting, but it’s easier than you think. Your core responsibilities as a product manager remain the same. But you’ll carry them out differently in an agile environment.

The first thing to do in any product management process is to have a strategy that defines the vision and direction. You’ll still research the market, understand customer needs, and set goals that align with company objectives.

2. Gather customer feedback

One of the tenets of agile product management is gathering feedback early. It’s about staying on top of changing customer needs and ensuring that your product delivers. The data you collect will ultimately impact your priorities and roadmap.

3. Develop an agile roadmap

Agile roadmaps need more than static goals and annual meetings. With agile frameworks, it’s about creating short-term goals. Treat your roadmap as more of a statement of intent. Avoid strict plans and static deadlines.

Instead, make it goal-oriented and focus on the objectives you want to achieve. Develop OKRs that are aligned with company priorities and regroup every quarter to reassess and adapt to changing priorities.

4. Prioritize features to implement now

As your roadmap evolves, prioritize the features you want to implement first and collaborate with your agile product teams to create a release plan that provides value to your customers. Decide what to build and when.

5. Measure success and adapt

Constantly measuring your success is critical in an agile environment. See how your customers interact with your product, what they like, what they want to see from future improvements, and more.

Popular frameworks for agile product management

Agile product management processes are all about flexibility and adaptation, and there are several popular frameworks to explore. You can stick to these methodologies or fine-tune them to work with your product management style and the needs of your team. Either way, they’re a great jumping-off point to bring a little agility into the mix.


Scrum is one of the most popular agile product management frameworks. It’s a lightweight framework that breaks down projects into short sprints lasting two to four weeks. The incremental approach allows for frequent regrouping and adaptability.


Kanban is similar to Scrum, but it’s more visual. It leans into just-in-time agile product development, providing a quick view of what tasks need finishing now, where you are in the process, and what comes next.

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is a framework commonly used in software development. It focuses on frequent releases, short development sprints, and continuous improvement.

Staying agile in an ever-changing market

You never know what you’ll run into as a product manager. So many things outside your control will change the potential for success as your product comes to life, so it’s important to keep those changes from impacting your ability to meet objectives. With an agile framework, you can respond to anything that comes your way, giving your teams the power to create something extraordinary.

When you’re ready to bring agility to your product management process, turn to Collato. Collato will help you navigate those complexities and stay on top of everything as you adapt and conquer.

Originally published at



Catherine Norris
Editor for

I like to talk about AI and creating a human-centric future of work.