Back in the Saddle

Dani Kirkham
Collected Blog Posts of a Bipolar Author
3 min readJun 19, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, those of Us betwixt and outside, and those who change from time to time:

I’m back. Ish.

Its been a little over a year since I was doing regular blog posts/articles, and its long past time for me to get back into it. For the first few weeks I’m just going to be getting back into the swing of things, just posting whatever stream of consciousness I come across, but I hope to get back to writing things that are a little more ‘important’ soon enough.

This is the first blog post since May of 2021, so what’s changed for me since then? Well, in a word, Stability. I’m not working the part time Media Specialist gig anymore. It got to the point where they were asking me to have a well made video ready to go on Sunday morning at 8AM, but only giving me the footage to edit at 2AM that morning. Not exactly sustainable. I’ve also started working a full time job as an ‘Overnight Youth Councelor.’ I basically babysit at a youth shelter from 10PM to 8AM. That probably sounds like it’s an easy job, and that can be true. Many of my nights are a pretty relaxing 8 hours of watching youtube or reading, and 2 hours of actual paperwork and interaction with the kids (making sure people get to sleep, making sure they get up when they need to, etc.). That said, when the job is rough, it’s never rough for just one night. When I first started working, the first group of kids would just walk out in the middle of the night. Aside from trying to stop them from leaving, that would stick me with incident reports for each kid, calling their guardians, their social workers, reaching out to my managers to let them know whats going on, etc.. That group was here for about a little over a month. So it depends on the kids; if the kids are chill, my job is chill, if the kids have issues, my job has issues.

As for Convergence, its hit a wall. The core mechanics are done, and I had some adorable cover art made for it, but I still need to gather up the setting information, and commission some art to accentuate certain sections. The artist that did the cover art has agreed to do the rest of the art as well! I’m really excited for what they will bring to the book. Still, I need to gather up all the money to pay for it. I keep thinking I want to do a kickstarter for it, but I’m really bad at graphic design, so I wanted to get someone to help me out with it who can really make it Pop. Thought I had someone, but then they just sorta started ghosting me on it, so… whatever, I’ll figure it out.

I’m going to be honest, I don’t 100% know what this blog is going to look like for awhile. I did two years of mental health posts, and by the end of it I felt like I was starting to repeat myself. That kind of thing is to be expected when you’ve been doing a stream of consciousness blog about your everyday struggles, but I still wasn’t fond of that feeling. I think while I get back into the groove, I’m just gonna do whatever comes up until I figure out where I want to into. So next week I’ll probably talk about That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. I’ve read through the entirety of the web novel, I’ve seen all of the anime that’s been released, I’m up to date on the manga, I’ve read all of the side stories I can find, I’ve read up to the most recently translated book of the Light Novel, and I’ve even kept up off and on with the mobile game. That’s a LOT of vectors to look at the same story from, and I think there’s something to be said about that. So come back next week when I explore the differences and what they can tell us about writing, editing, and audience.



Dani Kirkham
Collected Blog Posts of a Bipolar Author

A writer and storyteller writing about: Mental Health, Video Games, Tabletop Games, Short Stories, all written as blog posts or articles