Working Mania

Dani Kirkham
Collected Blog Posts of a Bipolar Author
2 min readApr 21, 2019

So I think I’ve mentioned it here already, but I started a new job lately as a Face To Face Fundraiser. I basically just do goofy shit until people stop and talk to me about what the hell I’m doing… then I help people who already want to give to charity do that. It sounds pretty odd when you say it out loud, but a lot of people who would give to charity just kinda don’t because no one thinks about it.

The thing about doing this job is that it kind of requires me to stay in a decent mood. Maybe not a great mood all the time, but at least a good enough mood that I can kinda power through the down times.

I wonder.

What I could possibly have.

That might make that a little difficult on occasion.

I suppose it’s true of any job, but depression is a bitch to work through. I haven’t had a depressive episode while I’m supposed to be working yet, but I’m pretty worried about it. I don’t think I’d do anything that would be fire-able when it inevitably happens, but it is still something I think about, and it’s a bit stressful. And of course stress can exacerbate bi-polar symptoms. It’s a pretty recursive shitstorm, really. If we could harness it as a power source we’d have easy access to another source of sustainable energy.

I don’t really have a plan for dealing with it yet. So far, any time things slow down on my end I’ve just been overloading myself with energy drinks which… yea that’s a bad plan. I dunno, I’ll figure it out eventually.



Dani Kirkham
Collected Blog Posts of a Bipolar Author

A writer and storyteller writing about: Mental Health, Video Games, Tabletop Games, Short Stories, all written as blog posts or articles