When I’m a Tree


When I’m a tree

I will stand for a thousand years.

I will not question why I sprouted

in the warmth of the sun,

I will not question the snow

on my shoulders.

I will not question my reason

for being,

or the choice to grow tall on the side of a cliff.

I will be neither proud nor doubtful

when I’m a tree.

I will be thriving and resilient

and I will be free.

When I am human

I will be forever.

I will not question why I was born

in a body,

I will not question my luck, or my future,

or ponder the worth of my dreams.

I will not question my reason

for being,

or my ownership over my destiny.

I will be neither proud nor doubtful

when I’m me.

I will be thriving and resilient

and I will be free.

