
Francis Rosenfeld
Collected Poems by Francis Rosenfeld
1 min readMay 25, 2016


Who is to know what the future will hold, the future from here to forever

Who is to say what the fate has in store, the fate that has brought us together

Who is to judge if it’s right or it’s wrong, the judge who created existence

Who is to ponder the meaning of lore, its spirit, its magic, its essence

Who is to venture the wandering path, the path that evolves with the season

Who is to witness the wonders unfold, the wonders defying all reason

Who is to catch the songs born in the breeze, whose resonance permeates matter

Who is to sing and to dream and to dance to rhythms unheard by another

And who is the witness who waits at the door, whose countenance is oddly familiar

The patient companion you knew from before, a glimpse of your soul in the mirror

