FAQ: How do I create a vault on Collection.xyz?

2 min readOct 21, 2022


Anyone can create an incentivized vault to provide liquidity incentives on Collection.xyz — follow these steps below to get started.

Creating an incentive vault on Collection.xyz

  1. Enter Collection.xyz and connect a Web3 wallet to begin. Do note that each transaction on Ethereum costs Ether (ETH).
  2. Navigate to the Create vault button on the main page of Collection.xyz.
  3. Set parameters for vault creation.
  • Select the NFT collection by contract name or address.
  • Set a fee amount that liquidity providers (‘pool creators’) will earn when a trade happens against their pools in your vault.
    → Pool creators will receive the fees when they withdraw their pool(s) from Collection.xyz.
  • Select bonding curve type and input delta value.
    At present, Collection.xyz supports two types of bonding curve i.e. linear and exponential. Both curves are parameterized by the delta. After a user trades with a pool, the pool consults its bonding curve to determine how the price of an NFT should change given the delta value.
    → The linear curve performs an additive operation to update the price. If the pool sells an NFT by giving out an NFT and receiving tokens, the next price it quotes to sell NFTs at will increase by a flat amount (known as delta).
    → The exponential curve performs a multiplicative operation where the delta acts as a multiplier function. If the pool has just sold an NFT by giving out an NFT and receiving tokens, the next price it will quote to sell NFTs at will increase by a percentage amount (known as delta).
  • Set up the rewards mechanism for your incentive vault.
    → Select up to five ERC-20 token(s) and input token amounts.
    → Set start date (UTC) and end date (UTC) of the incentive period.
    → Set start time (UTC) and end time (UTC) of the incentive period.

3. Click “Create vault” button to initiate vault creation.

4. Confirm the transaction in your wallet to finalize vault creation.

This is the first iteration of Collection.xyz and its interface will change with time as we implement new features and functionalities for our users.

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Updated as of Oct 21, 2022 by Team Collection.xyz




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