Google for Entrepreneur Returnees — Update #2 — The UN and MIT’s Solve

We’ve been invited to pitch our program with MIT’s Solve at the United Nations. The event will be on March 7th, 2017.

.hj barraza
Collective Academy
2 min readFeb 22, 2017


Click here to watch our video update

Watch the update on video, by Pato Bichara, from Collective Academy.

Your support is crucial for the success of the implementation with the help of MIT and United Nations. Please visit MIT’s website and support us by pressing Vote on the blue Botton in your right side.

Vote here:

Again. Thank you so much for being part of the extended team being this solution, and for supporting the wellbeing being and prosper of thousands of, returnees, migrants & refugees.

II. Kickoff

Besides pitching at the UN, we are kicking off the program.

Our first step is to build the first two components of our program: Identify and Connect returnees both in the US and in México. This are the two main goals. If you think you can support them, or know someone that might be interested in collaborating, please reply this email so we can start a conversation;


We will start collaborating with different organizations that already have a line of communication with returnees and DACAs: consulates, supportive universities such as the “City University of New York” and non-profits like “Dream in México” and “United We Dream”.


Start building a community for both digital and face-to-face meet ups. This will take a while, specially the technology aspect of it. The face-to-face meetings will be held in Centraal.

Best from the entire Team at Centraal, Google for Entrepreneurs and Collective Academy.

hj barraza



.hj barraza
Collective Academy

Personal notes on growing media and eCommerce businesses