Meet Claudie and Moira!

The Collective
The Collectivist
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2018

We’re welcoming our first ever Community Hosts, a set of six amazing leaders helping to support our community and make it even more incredible.

Today, meet our new community host Claudie and community leader Moira at The Collective Old Oak! They got to know each other by asking each other some fun questions.


Claudie is our new Community Host

If you won the lottery what would you spend it on?

“Travelling. An around the world trip, moving from place to place and experiencing new cultures.”

Name one thing you can’t live without.

“That’s so difficult! I can’t live without friends. I mean it is possible and I have done it in the past in some places, but it didn’t go very well!”

What are you really passionate about?

“Music! And travelling — it’s an emerging theme as you’ll see. And meeting new people.”

What’s the most surprising thing about you?

“I am not who people think I am.”

What does co-living mean to you?

“It’s a big family. Before moving in to The Collective, I lived in a co-living space in Madrid and it was like having a huge home full of interesting, amazing brothers and sisters. We were so adventurous, always heading out on trips together and I can’t wait for more adventures here at The Collective too!”

What did you want to be when you were little?

“I don’t remember my childhood much, but I used to travel to other cities in Cameroon with my parents and I always enjoyed it… so maybe an explorer.”

What would your superpower be?

“Being invisible and planting surprises for people, or maybe a complete understanding of our world’s mysteries.”

If you weren’t a Community Host what would your dream job be?

“Musician, but not for fame — just so I could earn an income from my passion. Maybe very intimate gigs with 20 people.”


Moira is our first ever Community Leader!

If you won the lottery what would you spend it on?

“Open a huge couch-surfing hostel. My background is in homelessness so I would also love to have space to host a night shelter and short term accommodation for people coming out of homelessness.”

Name one thing you can’t live without.

“Talking to people. I go a bit mad if I spend a day in my own company. If you see me around the block — I do occasionally talk to myself if I think there’s no one else around so sorry if that freaks you out a bit!”

What are you really passionate about?

“Tough one, but I think I would narrow it down to long distance cycle touring, community gardens (watch this space guys!), sharing my knowledge with other people and learning things from them and making people smile.”

What’s the most surprising thing about you?

“I love metal music. Oh, and I’m climbing to Everest base camp in September which will be pretty fun — I hope.”

What are you most proud of?

“Made it to adulthood in one piece.”

What does co-living mean to you?

“I think dependency on each other. Sharing responsibilities to enrich our communities lives and resources.”

What did you want to be when you were little?

“Archaeologist. As you can tell, I was clearly a very cool kid. I was obsessed with Pompeii and finally got to go for the first time last summer!”

What would your superpower be?

“Bernard’s watch… so, time travel. Maybe the ability to help people understand what I’m trying to say when I’m really tired and not making sense.”

If you weren’t a Community Leader what would your dream job be?

“Sounds cheesy but I think this actually is my dream job! But if I had to choose something else without restrictions I’d probably go with astronaut. On that note… Houston we have Community Team lift off!”



The Collective
The Collectivist

Co-living pioneers unlocking the world’s greatest cities for the creative and ambitious. Discover a new way to live, work and play.