Twitter Chats 101

How to Get Involved with #uxchat

Rusul Alrubail
4 min readAug 20, 2014


  • Add the chat hashtag to all your responses.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Use tweetdeck or phone to read the chat by following the hashtag.
  • Keep up with the conversation if you arrive late.

How Can I Join?

#uxchat is founded and organized by the tUX team, and moderating by Mustefa Jo’shen. It’s a chat that brings the monthly Toronto UX meetup conversation to the Twitterspehere! Everyone is welcome to join #uxchat!

Here is how to read and join a Twitter Chat:

  • You will need a Twitter account. If you don't have a Twitter account, you will need to sign up for one. Your account should have a profile picture, preferably of you, and a bio that lets people know who you are, or what your interests are for them to engage with you.
  • Search the hashtag #uxchat. You can do this on either your phone or your computer.

On your mobile device:

  • There will be two tabs at the top “Top Tweets” and “All Tweets”. Click on All Tweets tab at the top.
  • You will need to refresh intermittently by scrolling down.
  • To participate in the chat, you will need to click on Right tweet button, and write your tweet.
  • The tweet button from the search should automatically add #uxchat to your tweet.
  • If you don't see #uxchat you will need to add in your tweet in order for others in the chat to see your tweet.
  • Remember that #uxchat will take up from your 140 characters, so when writing your thoughts be concise!
  • You can also use a few tweets to explain your point, and within all these tweets remember to add the hashtag: #uxchat

On Tweetdeck:

  • You will need to search the hashtag #uxchat
  • Next click on Add Column at the bottom. This will create a separate column for only the chat so you can follow along.
  • When you are ready to contribute to the chat, click at the top tweet button to write your tweet.
  • Don’t forget to add #uxchat to your tweet.
  • Once you click tweet, you will see it show up on the #uxchat column you created!

It also helps to have your Notifications column right beside your chat column, that way you can see who is mentioning, fav and RT your tweets, because you want to engage with people on the chat!

***Some General Tips***

  • When joining, introduce yourself and where you're from. It’s cool to see the connections made from across the world.
  • When you engage with someone who mentions you or is commenting on your tweet, don't forget to add the #uxchat in order for others to see the conversation. It’s okay if your tweets are not talking about the topic, it will be an open conversation where people can chime in. (Your choice of course, but know that side conversations are always welcome in chats).
  • Chats often start with Q1 A1 format. So when tweeting the answer, tag the number of question you're answering.
  • Steve’s answer is great but he needed to say A1 ☺
  • You don't always have to answer the question, adding your knowledge to the convo is always welcome, but of course make it topic related.
  • Twitter chats are usually 1 hour. If a chat starts at 8pm try to be there, if you're late that’s fine but keep up with the questions and the conversation.
  • If you’re worried about not bothering your followers with many tweets, you can give them a heads up ☺

Hey everyone, my tweets for the next hour will be for #uxchat please excuse the heavy stream, join us!

Or something similar should work!

  • Most importantly, don't be shy!!! Everyone joining is there to have fun, learn, share and meet people. Twitter chats are a safe space free of judgement.
  • There are many other Twitter chats to join for different topics and industries.

If you're interested in moderating #uxchat send your topic ideas to me and we can work on planning it together!



Rusul Alrubail

Executive Director, Parkdale Centre for Innovation. Previously @Medium, @edutopia. Mom of two.