Puzzling Pastimes: The Magic of Vintage Jigsaw Puzzle Collecting

Jamie Shaw
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

Forget the latest video games, there’s a new kind of puzzling thrill in town — and it involves unearthing the quirky underground world of vintage jigsaw puzzle collecting.

Imagine piecing together not just an image, but a link to the past.

Intricate designs, iconic artwork, and that satisfying click as the final piece falls into place — collecting vintage jigsaw puzzles offers a unique blend of nostalgia, artistry, and community.

A Puzzling and Intriguing History

The story of vintage jigsaw puzzles goes way back, with roots in both education and entertainment.

In the 18th century, British mapmaker John Spilsbury created the first jigsaw by mounting a map onto wood and meticulously cutting it into pieces.

These early puzzles weren’t just child’s play — they were a creative way to teach geography!

The term “jigsaw” itself comes from the tool used to create these intricate, interlocking pieces, originally called a “fretsaw.”

As the Industrial Revolution rolled in, printing and manufacturing advancements made puzzles more accessible, transforming them from educational tools into beloved pastimes.

Throughout the years, vintage jigsaw puzzles have mirrored the cultural trends of their eras.

From scenic landscapes to iconic artwork, these puzzles captured the essence of different times, becoming cherished keepsakes for generations.

The tactile experience of assembling the pieces resonates with collectors, forging connections and shared experiences that transcend age.

The Thrill of the Hunt

Ready to start on your own vintage puzzle collecting adventure?

Well, you’re in luck! There’s a treasure trove of online marketplaces and auctions to choose from.

Platforms like eBay offer a chance to snag rare editions and engage in spirited bidding wars for that elusive gem.

And don’t forget the magic of Etsy, a haven for arts, crafts, and — you guessed it — a massive collection of vintage jigsaw puzzles waiting to be discovered.

Online Jigsaw Collectors Communities

Beyond online stores, dedicated communities like Strictly Vintage Jigsaw Puzzles on Facebook and the Reddit group r/Jigsawpuzzles fuel the hunt with camaraderie and shared passion.

These communities make it much more fun, and when push comes to shove, it’s all about the fun.

You can ask questions about vintage jigsaw puzzles, show off your latest find and the best part — you can talk and talk as much as you like about

Spotting a Treasure

So, what sets a vintage puzzle apart from a standard one?

Look for artwork that stirs up your nostalgia or showcases iconic imagery from a past decade.

Unusual shapes and intricate designs add another layer of intrigue, while limited editions hold a special attraction.

These defining characteristics will guide you as you navigate the exciting world of vintage jigsaw puzzles.

The hunt itself is half the fun, an enriching expedition through time and artistry.

Enjoy the thrill of the chase and let your passion for these awesome puzzles ignite your spirit of exploration.

Preserving Your Gems

Once you’ve found some vintage treasures, it’s time to give them the TLC they deserve.

Proper storage is key.

Consider using puzzle preservers (adhesive sheets applied to completed puzzles) or framing them under conservation-grade glass for a touch of elegance.

Puzzle roll-up mats are perfect for safeguarding partially completed puzzles, while storing everything in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space prevents warping, discolouration, or mould growth.

For more detailed preservation tips, check out resources like 8 Tips to Store and Display Your Puzzles From Jigsaw Pros or How to Preserve and Hang a Puzzle: 4 Easy Methods.

Showcasing Your Masterpieces

Time to get creative.

Here are some ideas to transform your collection into awesome visual displays:

  • Framed Wall Art: Completed puzzles can become stunning focal points in your home.
  • Upcycled Creations: Repurpose odd or damaged pieces for DIY projects like artistic ornaments.
  • Themed Arrangements: Group puzzles by theme for a cohesive and visually appealing display.
  • Innovative Shelving: Utilise floating shelves or custom-built display cases for a stylish and organised look.

Unveiling the Puzzle’s Past

There’s a wealth of resources available to delve deeper into the world of vintage jigsaw puzzles.

From captivating books that explore their history to informative websites showcasing rare finds and restoration techniques, the journey of discovery never ends.

Articles like A Puzzling History of Jigsaw Puzzles from the Los Angeles Public Library give some interesting insights and is a great place to start for more information.


Vintage jigsaw puzzles give us a way to experience a journey through time, inviting us to piece together not just images, but stories of the past.

The attraction to these treasures lies in their ability to evoke nostalgia and spark the joy of discovery.

As you start your walk through the world of vintage jigsaw puzzles, you can surround yourself with a vibrant community of like-minded collectors — ‘your people’ who make the experience much more fun.

Embrace the challenge, revel in the nostalgia, and become part of a community that shares your passion for vintage jigsaw puzzle collecting.

Let’s celebrate the art of preservation and the joy of re-discovery together!

And if you’re looking to expand your collection beyond the wonderful world of vintage jigsaw puzzles, head over to collectorizing.com.

Collectorizing is a treasure trove for all things collectible, but particularly rare and remarkable collectibles that you can’t find elsewhere.

Happy Collecting!

Affiliate Disclosure: I might earn a tiny finders fee if you click on some of the links and discover a cool piece of history. Don’t worry, I’m super picky and only share the stuff I truly think is worth checking out!



Jamie Shaw

Collector? A little bit obsessed? You're not alone! I'm fascinated by the joy of collecting and the communities it creates. Check out Collectorizing.com