Elevation Requires Separation

Life is full of distractions. Being able to separate yourself from these distractions is key to elevate yourself one step closer to your dreams.

Free Your Mind


There are many situations in life where it is important to reevaluate things/people around us that may not be the most positive for us. While we are in the moment, it may be very emotional or painful, especially if it involves people or things we enjoy. This is why many of us seem to be at a standstill in life. Being unwilling to let go of things and change what you do will keep you on the same level. It is our human nature to get comfortable and complacent sometimes. Once you can separate yourself from certain things you will notice other areas of your life begin to improve because you can give them more of your energy and focus. The key is to figure out what things you need to let go of.

For me, television is one thing I needed to let go of. I used to watch the news 24/7 and was constantly overwhelmed by negative stories broadcast almost every hour. It’s not that I think television or the news is bad. But for me, all the negativity shown on the news was a distraction for me creating positivity in my own life. It seems silly that changing this one thing could have any significant effect, but looking back I realize how much negativity I was subjecting myself to, and how much positivity I am putting out myself while not watching TV (like the positivity in the words of this blog).

What kinds of things do you need to separate yourself from? Everyone has something that is holding them back from getting to that next level, no matter what level you think your on.

It’s important to understand who you are at a deep level to understand your own personal distractions and what things you need to separate from. Take some time to think about your goals and the things in your life distracting you from achieving them. The universe will open new doors for you once you realize which doors to close for good.

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Free Your Mind

Presenting Simple Ideas in An Overly Complex World