Write For Us

College, Career & Scholarship is looking for writers! Check out the submission guidelines.

Vinod Sharma
College & Career


Photo by Author

If you have a story that relates to —

  • How you prepared for ACT/SAT tests
  • College searching and how to decide which colleges to apply to
  • The college application process
  • Career decisions
  • Scholarship information and Scholarship selection
  • College preparation guidance
  • Personal finance
  • Time management & productivity
  • Purpose, goal setting
  • Tips on essay writing
  • Tips on resume building
  • Friendships & Relationships


Basically, if you’ve got a story to tell about your college admission, career planning, scholarship, goal setting, time management, and success, we want to hear from you.

If you want to become a writer, RESPOND to this article with: “I want to be a writer!”

We will then make you a writer at College & Career and you can submit articles.

Your article can change many lives



Vinod Sharma
College & Career

I help tech startup founders with product development, strategic planning, and building high-performing teams. https://vinodsharma.co