Photo taken in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Learning my way from Wall Street to McKinsey to Tanzanian NGO to Colombian startup studio

Vince Jeong
College to Career
Published in
7 min readAug 21, 2016


Seven years ago, as a junior in college, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I was primarily driven by extrinsic motivators such as prestige and social proof. Today, I’ve gained a much better sense of what I like and where I want to head, and I feel much more intrinsically driven.

Optimal learning — a statistical concept about how to efficiently maximize an objective given numerous options and a high cost of search — has helped me immensely in speeding up this transformation. In this story, I’d like to share how so.

Note: To better understand the motivation behind this story or to read more details about optimal learning, read my previous story here.

College underclassman years: naively nerdin’ it up in school

I was not at all sure what I wanted to do — and was generally very ignorant about the world outside of the Ivory Tower. I was thinking about pursuing a PhD in the sciences, not necessarily because I was passionate about research but because school was the only thing I really knew. I had very limited understanding of my strengths other than the fact that I knew how to take classes and do well in exams. I was primarily motivated by collecting academic accolades, and I cared a lot about doing something prestigious so that my parents would be proud of me and others would respect me.

Junior summer internship: dipping my toes in corporate America

After 2.5 years of doing science research on campus, I decided I really couldn’t do any more pipetting and turned against pursuing academia. I felt lost and confused, devoid of knowledge around job opportunities outside of the PhD path. I applied to anything and everything that appeared on the on-campus recruiting job board and stumbled into an M&A investment banking summer analyst gig at Credit Suisse (the only reason I landed this offer was that they asked zero banking-related questions throughout the interview process).

I learned a TON during the internship — both about the corporate world and about myself. But as much as I appreciated Credit Suisse for the opportunity it gave me, I realized I just couldn’t get excited about finance. The typical folks in finance and I shared very little in common in values and interests. Also, I found that the high pay simply wasn’t enough to get me motivated for 80+ hour per week of work. So by the end of the summer, I ruled out finance from a potential career path.

First job out of college: maximizing learning through McKinsey

Going into the senior year, beyond the fact that I didn’t like finance, I still didn’t have much clue around what jobs to go after. I didn’t have a specific problem space that I was interested in. So I was naturally led to focus my efforts on the non-finance employers that recruit heavily on campus — consulting firms — and ultimately decided to join McKinsey. Given my very undefined career interest, I believe McKinsey was arguably the best learning opportunity I could pursue at that point. It offered an enormous breadth of work as well as unparalleled exit opportunities.

Honestly, my 2 years at McKinsey was transformational — in fact, I would say, an order of magnitude more so than even my 4 years at Princeton.

  • By getting thrown into such a variety of unfamiliar professional environments (from financial services to industrials to social sectors working with clients ranging from CEOs to mid-level managers), my understanding about the professional landscape, what I enjoy working on, and what I’m good at grew exponentially.
  • At the end of my time at the Firm, I was able to frame much more nuanced questions about what I wanted to learn about myself next.
  • McKinsey gave me a golden ticket that opened doors to all sorts of opportunities.

Below is a chart that summarizes what I’d learned and what key questions/uncertainties had arisen by the end of my time at McKinsey:

Second job out of college: maximizing my learning by choosing an “extreme” role

Based on the uncertainties I wanted to address through my next move, the types of jobs I was mainly considering at the end of my two-year BA stint at McKinsey were:

  • Startups in the social impact space in the US and abroad
  • NGOs in the US and abroad
  • McKinsey Implementation Group
  • McKinsey Public / Social Sector practices

I ended up choosing Touch Foundation, a USAID-funded NGO working to improve the health systems of Tanzania. As one of the most “out there” impact-driven opportunities I could pursue, Touch promised to be an incredible way to plunge into a very unfamiliar environment (in terms of geography, role, and organizational model) where I could learn a ton about myself.

Here is a summary of what I’d learned and what new questions I had at the end of my time in Tanzania. I want to point out that because my experience at Touch was so different from my time at McKinsey, after just ~9 months at Touch, I felt I had gotten sufficient answers to many key areas of uncertainty. The only area where I still was largely unsure about was the problem space / problem-solving approach that I should focus on.

Third job out of college: diving into the LatAm entrepreneurship scene in my search for a better fit

By the end of McKinsey and Touch, I had gained a good sense of how big private sector corporations and nonprofits function and had addressed many of my uncertainties around job preferences. The biggest uncertainty I still had left was around identifying “the problem space / problem-solving approach that is best aligned with my interests and skill set.” I needed to find an organization that tackles problems in a very different way than what I’d experienced to date.

Startups were a very natural type of organizations for me to explore next (and I’d always been curious about entrepreneurship). I considered starting something in the US with a college friend but decided against it for practical reasons (difficult to pull off something so early stage as a foreign national with all the visa challenges). So I started browsing AngelList and other similar websites to find a startup.

When I encountered Polymath Ventures, a startup studio in Colombia that designs and launches new businesses to tackle problems of the middle class in Latin America, I immediately knew it was the opportunity I was looking for. Polymath focused on solving high-impact problems through entrepreneurship, operated in a new geographical region for me, and was young enough that I would be able to wear a lot of different hats and play a significant leadership role.

Out of all the jobs I’ve had so far, I felt most “in my element” at Polymath, and I realized that entrepreneurship is indeed a great fit for me. The fast-paced, collaborative, casual, and flexible nature of startups match my work environment preferences. And I believe startups have a much higher probability of developing an effective solution than other organizational models because of their relentless focus on fast, iterative solution finding.

Where I am now — grad school: building my platform to dive deep

After a year at Polymath, I left Bogota and moved to Boston to start my current program (MPA in International Development) at Harvard.

While I loved the company, I wasn’t sure that Latin America was the right long-term home for me. I wanted to make sure I continued to construct a strong platform for my career, and I felt that going back to the US would help me build a more robust track record at this stage. Enrolling in the MPA/ID program was therefore not only a way for me to deepen my content knowledge around international development and the social impact space which I have come to really care about over my time in Tanzania and Colombia, but also a ticket to return to the US and surround myself with smart, motivated people who would be willing to take on a serious entrepreneurial endeavor together.

Reflecting back to the last 5 years since graduating from college, I’m amazed at how much I’ve grown. I still have uncertainties that I’m testing about my career path (and I’m sure I will continually be testing for many years to come), though my questions are much more specific and nuanced at this point. I truly believe the optimal learning mindset has accelerate my development — not to mention spicing up my life by encouraging me to plop myself into unknown places, meet people from all over the world, and just try things out.



Vince Jeong
College to Career

Sparkwise | Polymath Ventures, IMAGO, Ex-McKinsey | Princeton, Harvard. A mission-driven generalist at heart and an aspiring polymath. I find energy in people.