Launching Exo Flux, a podcast for digital pioneers

An Exclusive Podcast by Collisions Projects featuring Episode 1 Aga Madurska from Google

Collisions Projects
Collisions Projects
3 min readSep 13, 2018


Being a digital top leader means learning quickly and sharing knowledge. We know that. As a community, we share knowledge about digital skills that top companies and start-ups demanded.

The best way to learn is from digital pioneers. They are incredible professionals and experts. These pioneers have had a remarkable professional career in UX, design, code, marketing, and the start-up industry.

We launched Exo Flux, a podcast for the pioneers of technology, code, UX, start-ups, and marketing

We talk with these amazing experts on our podcast: Exo Flux. In the first episode, we have Aga Madurska of Google.

She is a Tech Lead/Manager for the Wear OS Release Team in London.

Aga holds a first-class Master’s degree with distinction from Imperial College London. She is also a Course Director for Mobile Training for Professional Development at Imperial College London.

In the first episode, we talked with Agnieszka Madurska aka Aga. She is a Tech Lead/Manager for the Wear OS Release Team in Google London

Aga is passionate about outreach and education, engaging in speaking opportunities, such as DroidCon London, Google I/O, Google DevBytes and Grace Hopper Celebrations. Grace Hopper Celebrations is the world’s largest gathering of female technologists.

Originally from Warsaw, she moved to London in 2008 to study. Before Wear OS, she worked on Google Maps for Mobile and Google Arts and Culture.

5 top things we learn from Aga to be a remarkable professional

In the first episode of the Exo Flux podcast, Aga explains her remarkable career and her work at Google. She explains how the future of wearables and how critical are Soft skills to work in a start-up or a company.

Talking with Aga, these are 5 things we learned from her to be a remarkable digital professional:

1- Focus on your weakness. It’s good for you and your career. In this episode, Aga shares with us her shyness. She focused on overcoming it. Now she is a remarkable speaker at DroidCon London, Google I/O, Google DevBytes and Grace Hopper Celebrations.

2- Soft skills are critical in professional technical careers too. The bigger the project you are working on, the greater the skills you need. Negotiations, managing people, leadership, working with start-ups are some skills professionals must have.

3- Digital professionals must learn quickly. Technology changes all the time. What you learned at University is very different than in your job. Aga, for example, has learned 5 different programming languages for her work at Google. This ability to adapt is critical.

4- The industry of wearables is more than smart watches. Smart textiles, devices, and wearable connections to the environment around people are the 3 streams will wearables evolve. A good example is the Spanish startup Sepiia. It’s a brand of intelligent clothing whose mission is to design and produce easy-care clothes that provide comfort to the user. They are part of the Startups residency Campus Madrid.

5- Wearables can help fight the obsession with screens of mobile technology addiction. They are focused on delivering the right information at the right time without giving you this constant opportunity of just streaming stuff on the Internet.

You can also watch all the videos of Aga on our YouTube channel and subscribe.

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We are a community of designers, founders of start-ups, engineers, strategists, investors and technologists who are experts in the digital sector. We are developing the next generation of digital talent, digital products, and start-ups. We connect the best talent with projects and corporations to generate COLISIONES. We are 100% startups.

