News in August

Anselm Hannemann
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2018

We’ve not stopped working after July and here are a few new things we added to our service over the past week.

Call for Papers CSV and JSON Export

To make talk selection easier for our Pro organizers who run their Call for Papers on Colloq, we added data export of submissions. You can now export the available data in either CSV or JSON format, for example to use it in Excel, Numbers or other software.

Note that you only get the information currently available in the web interface as well. This ensures that the Call for Papers stays anonymous and the selection is not based on any bias, even after export.

Not seeing any personal information can be a challenge for organizers so we added Messages for Call for Papers recently. This ensures you can discuss applicants’ proposals while maintaining anonymity. If a proposal has been chosen, the Colloq profile of the applicant will become available to the organizer. If you need more personal information you can then ask the speakers via our Messages feature.

Other Changes

  • We now have auto-resizable <textarea> form fields for longer description texts. If you want to know how we did that, read our blog post on How to build auto-resizing textareas with ECMAScript 6.
  • You can now set a separate invoice email address, different from your account’s email address in your account under “Billing information”.
  • When you created an event on Safari on iOS the end dates where not really intuitive. They will now change in a way that should make more sense.
  • Accessing a not existing category of our blog will no longer trigger an exception and we will be able to sleep good at night again.



Anselm Hannemann

Founder of Frontend Developer and Photographer. Ethics matter. I do @colloq_io, @wdrlinfo, @nightlybuildio, former @workingdraft host.