Sprint 40: Improved Create Events & Nicer Error Pages

Custom Error Page Design

2 min readNov 24, 2017


We didn’t like the default error pages we served previously very much so we replaced them with a nice custom layout. You can view the new design of our pages here:

Screenshot of the new 503 error page layout showing a full red background and centered Colloq logo with additional information about the occurred error and what to do

Better Event Creation

We heard you — creating a second event for an Event Series was incredibly hard for you. We now give you the choice to select an existing Event Series on the “Create New Event” page or let you enter the details for a new Event Series.

For more convenience we also show a link to the Event Series to all organizers, event if there is just one event in the series. That way you can always see your Event Series details.

Smaller Changes

  • The profile biography now outputs links, as promised by the form field. Thanks for the bug report!
  • We changed the layout of the insert “now” date-time button, available to organizers on some forms. It just works and looks beautiful now.
  • We fixed an issue with custom header images on events not being updated if multiple events existed.
  • We fixed an visual glitch where we used unnecessary whitespace on the venue page in cases where we couldn’t load the map to the given address.
  • We updated our brand guide which contained a wrong logo format
  • We published a blog post about “Why we don’t have a Lanyrd import
  • We now use the correct logo in our newsletter template
  • We now handle various Stripe card errors better

Please note: This only contains the things we released to the public already. There’s a lot more work going on behind the scene that we will show you once we’re ready.




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