What’s New in July

Anselm Hannemann
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2018

We continue to work on Colloq almost every day and currently focus on some bigger updates which require a good amount of planning first. We started work on one of them and a second one will hopefully follow right after. We’re sure you’ll love the things to come. But now for what we’ve done in the past weeks:

Noti.st Support in Coverage

We’re happy to say that from now on we’ll recognize links from noti.st in our coverage and can display these links with some more details.

Support Availability

We added improvements to our contact form: We all work in different timezones and realized that it sometimes might take a little longer for one of us to reply. This can happen if there is a public holiday (of which Hong Kong has a few!) or over the weekend. We wanted to make sure to let our users know in advance when this might be the case.

Detailed Changelog

As per our usual manner, we have updated and fixed many small things, some of which some are visible while others happened in our backend. For the rather curious of you, here’s the complete list:

  • We added a “is-today” color for today’s date in our non-native datepicker;
  • We’re now opening the code of conduct link in our CfP form in a new tab, because otherwise it could cause form input to be lost;
  • We improved error handling for event coverage links and are not showing links with errors anymore;
  • The event claim box didn’t look nice on smaller screens, hence we improved its responsiveness;
  • We fixed a bug where unpublished events could appear in the “speaking at” section of a user profile page;
  • The newsletter got a little touchup and is now better legible;
  • Organisers and event staff are now able to update and delete coverage links;
  • Our homepage now displays all of today’s events, whereas this section has previously been limited to only three events for some unknown reason;
  • When deleting an event room, we no longer delete the sessions in this room;
  • The autocomplete input field got a little overhaul and the error message now appears nicely and doesn’t cause a gap anymore;
  • The speakerdeck coverage details got a visual touchup;
  • Newsletter drafts could be publicly accessed in case the slug was known;
  • To be able to post external articles on our blog, we added the option to add a canonical tag;
  • We move the ticket ID from our support email from the body to the subject line, since it somehow received a little too much attention.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you again soon. Until then, why not have a look at some new conferences or the latest Call for Papers?



Anselm Hannemann

Founder of https://colloq.io. Frontend Developer and Photographer. Ethics matter. I do @colloq_io, @wdrlinfo, @nightlybuildio, former @workingdraft host.