The Miracle of Joy


Our miracle will never happen at someone else’s expense.

This is not a competition to be won or a battle to defeat an enemy. The miracles we perform, when born out of Love, are marked by their benefit to everyone — including those we think oppose us. They will, of course, benefit us too — but not if we try to manipulate the outcome. True Empowerment is not the ability to control others against their will.

Our miracle will never require emotional manipulation, or the ‘fixing’ of circumstances to manufacture an outcome solely for our selfish benefit.

If it’s a true miracle then everyone wins. All are blessed. Nobody is defeated. Now we can celebrate! Colm Holland

In my book The Secret of The Alchemist I walk the reader through the mechanics of performing a miracle. At the end of the process of The Great Test there is one last question we will need to answer: Do I have the will to not artificially interfere with the work of Love?

This is not the same as cheating in an exam or bribing someone to give you a pass. If we allow our Shadow Self — who has still not learned to trust in Love — to interfere with the outcome of our miracle then we undermine the fulfillment of our original purpose to bring well-being to ourselves and everyone in our world. Quite simply the miracle will not take place and we are in danger or hurting ourselves and others in the process.

This requires some heart searching in an examination of our motive.

At our very core, in the unspoken depths of our unconscious, in the quiet hours of half waking in the night — that is when we should ask ourselves: Why do I want this thing to happen? If the answer includes the transition toward the revelation of our ‘true self’ and a desire to see Unconditional Love manifested — then we can rest and trust that we are on the right track.

If there is one emotion I have experienced more than any other when I see a miracle take place it is Joy! I used to think Joy was the momentary exuberance and excitement that comes and goes when a victory of some sort is won. Oh, what ecstasy we feel when our team wins or we get what we want — we should celebrate and enjoy the moment! This is fine, but it has nothing to do with miracles and even less to do with Joy.

I want to leave us with this thought from ‘The Book of Joy’ — Lasting Happiness in a Changing World — by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu:

“The goal is not just to create joy for ourselves but, as the Archbishop poetically phrased it, “to be a reservoir of joy, an oasis of peace, a pool of serenity that can ripple out to all those around you.” As we will see, joy is in fact quite contagious. As is love, compassion, and generosity. So being more joyful is not just about having more fun. We’re talking about a more empathic, more empowered, even more spiritual state of mind that is totally engaged with the world.” Published by Hutchinson 2016.

Our Mantra for today:

I will be the miracle in my world today — a reservoir of Joy to all those around me.

Remember I have asked Love to give you everything you need to be the Alchemist in your world.



Colm Holland
Colm Holland’s 40 Days of Alchemy Meditations at home.

Author of The Secret of The Alchemist — the companion book to The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.