Feature Update: Managing Walk-In Coworking Guests

Hollie Arnett
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2017

We know that different types of coworking guests require different experiences that are tailored to their individual circumstances. We listened to your feedback about this and are excited to share with you the new and improved way to manage walk-ins!

Previously, managing walk-ins was complicated. We acknowledge that it wasn’t always the easiest to onboard people who just walk in off the street, especially since our app didn’t treat them any differently to any other resident. From what we heard, these are the main pain points that you as hosts were experiencing:

  • Walk-ins don’t want to fill in a bio, do a culture engine test, or upload a photo, they just want to pay and get to work. You already know what they look like and what they’re after at this point, so this information isn’t necessary in order for them to book.
  • Sometimes you want to be able to offer someone new a free trial, or special price so that they can give your space a go. You want to be able to customise their price right then and there without having to create custom discount codes or going through the hassle of invoicing them.
  • Before, guests had to go through the whole booking process themselves. Not only was this annoying for them, but it meant that you didn’t have control over making sure they are booking on the right plans and paying for the right things that they need to.
  • Walk-ins were getting the same messaging from CoLo as your residents and digital nomads were. This didn’t make sense because they don’t need to know all about CoLo and finding their perfect space, they already have because they’re at your front desk!

With one simple form, we’ve solved all of these pain points, or at least healed them significantly. Here’s the improvements:

  • Now, guests don’t have to fill in any profile information before they can book. All you need is their name and email address!
  • You can enter whatever price is relevant for each individual guest without the need for discount codes or invoicing.
  • You have control over what the guest is booking so that you can be sure that they’re getting the right thing they need. You enter the plan they should be on, the amount of desks they’re after, what add-ons they need and when they’re here.
  • Instead of getting emails all about finding their perfect space etc, walk-ins just get the emails they need that are specific to them!

Doesn’t this all sound great?! Now all that’s left is to know how to do it!

Firstly, navigate to the walk-ins tab of your dashboard and you’ll see the new and improved form. Fill in the guest’s information (all you need to know from them is their name, email and what they want to pay for), select all the relevant variables, and hit save.

The guest will then receive an email asking them to confirm their booking. They’ll be taken to a page with the information you entered, and if they’re happy, all they have to do is pop in their credit card information, and you’re good to go!

You’ll be able to track your invites in your Bookings tab. Each invited guest’s status will say “invited” until they pay and confirm their booking, when it will change to “approved.”

It’s that simple! What once took a lot more steps and much more hand-holding, is now done in two, way more intuitive steps!

We are really excited about this updated feature and we think you will love it too! If you do have any comments or feedback about this feature, or would like to request any other features, please let us know! We are always aiming to improve and make things easier for you!

Want to become a host and give this a try? Get started here!



Hollie Arnett

Brand strategist & coach for creatives. Helping artists & makers build your brand, share your work & own your moxie.