Gearing Up for GCUC Melbourne

Hollie Arnett
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017

In less than a month’s time, team CoLo will be heading over to Melbourne for GCUC, which is perfect timing since CoLo will be officially launching over the ditch super soon!

Coworking in Melbourne

With our beta flying along, we’re excited to take CoLo worldwide and the next stop on our journey is Melbourne! Kiwis often make the short trip over to Melbourne for business, pleasure and all things in between, especially since Melbourne is often described as a bigger Wellington (our capital)! Being so close, while also hosting more than 180 coworking spaces and home to a surplus of creatives, entrepreneurs, freelancers and innovators, makes Melbourne the perfect place for CoLo’s next steps.

GCUC Australia

August 24th will see many coworking enthusiasts, including team CoLo, gather in the heart of Melbourne for GCUC, the biggest coworking conference series in the world. GCUC welcomes everyone from coworking newbies to well-established global players and will be an awesome way for us to get to know the coworking culture of Melbourne straight from the source!

CoLo Convos

As well as getting involved with GCUC, we will be hosting our first of many CoLo Convos, our speaker series. We will have an amazing evening hearing from incredible people and getting to know one another. Keep an eye out on twitter, facebook or instagram to hear more about the events as the details fall into place!

Melbourne’s Best Coworking Spaces

Throughout our week in Melbourne, we are also super excited to visit some of the city’s best coworking spaces! We want to get to know the coworking community, get a feel for the Melbourne working vibe, and hopefully bring some amazing spaces onboard on CoLo too! If you know of any spaces that are a must-see, let us know!

Make Your Mark on Coworking in Melbourne!

To help bring CoLo to Melbourne, and eventually to the whole of Australia, we’re going to need some help! We’re currently on the hunt for some awesome creative, determined and passionate people to join our team of Brand Ambassadors to help get the word out there, bring people on board, and run our amazing events. If this sounds intriguing, you can find out more here!

We’re so excited to visit Melbourne, see what the city has to offer, and meet loads of rad people! Hit us up if you’d like to catch up while we’re there, and let us know where you’d like to see us launch next!!



Hollie Arnett

Brand strategist & coach for creatives. Helping artists & makers build your brand, share your work & own your moxie.