Get home-cooked meals and delicious recipes from master chefs with your coworking desk at the Workshop Auckland!

Dan Campbell
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2017

Down at The Workshop every Wednesday all the residents get involved in a good ol’ shared lunch! We’re not talking the usual Tim-Tams and endless packets of chips though, these guys do it right! Every week everyone gets together, shut their laptops and get tucked into some delicious home cooked meals.

Shared lunches are tradition at coworking spaces across the globe, as they’re a surefire way to bring people together and get connecting. It can be tricky to please everyone’s tastes and dietary options but these wicked wedges by Aaron Brunet — Masterchef 2013 winner and friend of The Workshop Auckland, where he often cooks shared lunches — are vegan/vegetarian friendly, and so delicious! Thanks Aaron!

The benefits of community lunches,

  • Get away from your desk
  • Feel part of the whole
  • Get to know each other, sit next to someone different & find out about them

Aaron’s Wicked Wedges!

Aaron has been nice enough to share with us this week’s recipe, introducing Wicked Wedges!

Anyone who thinks plant-based food is boring needs to try these. For knock-your-socks-off taste intensity, they can’t be beaten! Every time I’ve made them I think I’ll have better self control than last time and every time I’ve been proved wrong.

There are a few important points that make these taste so delicious, so let’s get into it.

  • Firstly, I strongly urge you to use Agria potatoes for their flavour and texture, or another floury potato but not a waxy variety.
  • Secondly, wedge means wedge, people — cut these thin at one end so it goes nice and crispy, and thick at the other end so it has lovely fluffy potato innards to bite into.
  • Thirdly (and I could be wrong about this one), but I think tossing the chopped wedges with the salt before any of the other ingredients helps to draw out liquid from the potatoes, and it seems to make the coating work better and look nicer.

Bake in a nice hot oven so they can get crispy and brown. They don’t need to be shuffled around while cooking, and if you can avoid disturbing them too much they end up looking prettier. I recommend these as a perfect after-work snack with a cold pale ale. The sweet maltiness of a good beer goes perfectly with the intense taste and texture of a wicked wedge!


  • 3 large Agria potatoes, each cut into 16 thin wedges
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon herb salt
  • 3 Tablespoons peanut oil
  • 2 teaspoons Kashmiri chilli
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika (plain or smoked)
  • 1.5 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons cumin seeds


  • Place a baking dish in the oven and preheat to 200c fan.
  • Scrub your potatoes and cut out any unwanted bits. Cut in half lengthways, then cut each half into 6–8 tapered wedges and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and herb salt, then toss to coat and start drawing out the liquid. Wait a minute then add peanut oil and repeat.
  • Now you can add the rest of the spices and toss again to coat. Tip onto baking dish and spread apart so they’re not lumped together

Bake for approx 30–40 minutes till browned and crispy.


Aaron Brunet is a plant-powered guy-person who won Masterchef NZ in 2013 and now writes, cooks and spreads the word about loving food that loves us back.

Check out Aaron’s website for more plant based recipes!

