How to Make the Most of Your Coworking Experience

Maire Boyce
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2017

Coworking has quickly evolved into a global mega-trend with no intention of slowing down, and when you consider the benefits of coworking, it’s easy to see why.

But, while coworking has so many benefits to offer, sometimes you don’t always leave a space feeling like you’ve had a fulfilling and beneficial experience. That’s why we’ve put together our top tips on making the most of your coworking experience.

Introduce Yourself

The people and sense of community are arguably the best things about coworking.

It can be a daunting task to introduce yourself to a bunch of strangers, but just remember that everyone you meet in a coworking space subscribe to the shared nature of coworking. Those people are there for exactly that — meeting new people, collaborating on ideas and making friends.

Shake hands and say hi to the people you sit next to or, if you don’t want to jump right in, start by asking your community manager to introduce you to some people in your industry or anyone with similar interests.

Another key thing is to never underestimate the power of a cup of coffee. Whether you’re drinking a coffee or making one, that’s an opportunity for conversation standing right in front of you.

Some people might prefer to sit back and meet people in their own time, but the quicker you strike up a conversation, the quicker you’ll start to feel at home.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask Questions

If you’re unsure about something, don’t let that ruin your experience!

It took me months to even approach the coffee machine — I had no idea how to use it and so I instead bought my coffees from the cafe downstairs.

Buying coffees at that rate is not sustainable, so eventually, I asked someone to teach me how to use the machine. People were more than happy to help, and now that I can make an alright coffee, I can offer to show someone the ropes if they look lost.

It’s not all about the coffee, but it’s an important reminder to ask for you what you need, when you need it.

Get Moving

The beauty of hot-desking is that you get to place yourself among new people each day or even each hour. There’s a certain sense of comfort that comes from sitting in the same spot (the one with a nice view and prime access to the power source) but stepping (or sitting) outside your comfort zone will encourage you to interact with people that you may not otherwise get to know — and who knows what kind of collaboration could come from it.

Join In

Most coworking spaces hold events at their space, or promote events around the city. Check in with your community manager and the people around you to see what events, meet ups or networking sessions are on. Even things like after-work drinks are an easy, no-frills approach to getting to know your coworkers.

Take Some Me Time Too

Coworking spaces are collaborative, fun and energetic but that environment isn’t always what’s right for you. Most spaces will have workplace zoning, where you can move between social, active and focused areas to be as productive or as social and collaborative as you need.

If your coworking environment doesn’t cater to what you need, take a walk and get to know the neighbourhood. Exploring new places and being open to experiencing new things will help unleash your creativity — with the added bonus of some sightseeing.

There are lots of little things that can add value to your coworking experience. Our CoLo Culture Engine can ensure you’re matched with an awesome community of likeminded individuals, before you’ve even set foot in the door. So, what are you waiting for? Get inspired by our global community of coworking spaces and start your coworking adventure today!

