Colony’s core value and Tokenomics explained

3 min readDec 3, 2021


Our motto is pretty straightforward: “Community at core for a truly decentralized and democratized financial ecosystem.”

We are utterly supportive of decentralization and subscribe to the ethos of inclusiveness. We believe that community is the lifeblood of our project, nay, of any project.

Colony is the result of a simple observation: the rise of blockchain technologies has seen major institutional players massively invest in the cryptocurrency industry, swallowing up the primary energy of decentralization, that is the pillar of the blockchain/cryptocurrency. Colony wanted to break these constraints and build a unique mechanism with community at its very heart. This joins Avalanche’s core value “Community first” and pushes it to another level of inclusiveness.

By capturing from inception, the real value proposition of the future champions of the cryptocurrency industry, these investment funds with unlimited resources succeed in destroying the dream of autonomy and sovereignty carried by these disruptive technologies, brutally excluding average investors (aka community) of the funding process in its most opportune phases.

Colony is here to say no more “gatekeeping”.

This a first in the entire crypto space. Our inclusive DAO introduces a new concept: Ecosystem Farming. We allow our investors, thanks to one coin ($CLY), to access the growth of an entire ecosystem (Avalanche).

Colony’s Ecosystem Farming concept will empower the community to invest in early-stage Avalanche projects for the first time, creating an opportunity that was previously open to VCs and angel investors alone. From the start, governance will be actually given to the community with strong incentives aligned with the long-term growth of the ecosystem. And of course, all the created value will be rerouted back to the community, through: Avalanche staking rewards, Liquidity provider rewards and Tokens via airdrop of early-stage Colony funded projects.

Naturally, our early community members have been given the opportunity to be part of our private sale as well.


Fundraise numbers:

  • Seed: 8.33M CLY at $0.12 USD — $1 000 000 USD
  • Private: 87.5M CLY at $0.20 USD — $17 500000 USD
  • IDO on Avalaunch: 6.66M CLY at $0.30 USD — $2 000 000 USD
  • IEO on MEXC: 1.25M CLY at $0.40 USD — $500 000 USD
  • For a total Raise of: $21 000 000 USD

Token distribution:

  • Total Supply: 150 000 000 CLY
  • Total Token Sales: 105 000 000 CLY (70%)
  • Team: 15 000 000 CLY (10%)
  • Liquidity Provision: 15 000 000 CLY (10%)
  • Community Incentives: 10 500 000 CLY (7%)
  • Advisory: 4 500 000 CLY (3%)

Vesting schedule following TGE:

  • Seed: 12 month-cliff, 12 months linear vesting
  • Private: 10% at TGE, 90 days cliff, 12 months linear vesting
  • Public Sale: 100% Unlocked
  • Liquidity Provision: 100% unlocked
  • Community Incentives: 27 months linear vesting
  • Team: 24-month cliff, 12 months linear investing
  • Advisory: 24-month cliff, 12 months linear vesting

All the vesting schedules have been set as linear vesting instead of large unlocks at the end of every quarter. This will help avoid selling pressure on specific dates. Thanks to this mechanism, Colony’s tokens can be staked regularly as users claim them, without affecting the token price.

IDO and IEO:

Market Capitalization and Circulating supply:

  • Initial Circulating Supply: 16.6M CLY (excluding liquidity tokens)
  • Initial Market Cap: $6.6M (based on the price of the IEO of $0.40 USD & excluding liquidity tokens)

About Colony:

A community driven fund, evolving into a DAO, to boost Avalanche’s ecosystem growth. Powered by a governance token: $CLY.

Colony will deploy capital within Avalanche on early stages projects, provide liquidity to DeFi protocols, maintain an Index on top Avalanche projects, and validate networks through stacking capabilities.




Ecosystem Accelerator: Inclusive platform powering early-stage projects & communities. Decentralized Fundraising, Liquid Vesting, & diverse Avalanche exposure.